Educational paths for a sustainable future.
Join the network!

The WEEC congresses are the most significant existing experience of connecting all actors at the international level in the field of environmental education.

The 13th WEEC will be held in Perth, follow us to stay updated on all the latest developments!


News and events from the WEEC Network partners

“No limits to hope”: an international research project for a new educational paradigm

WEEC Network, Club of Rome, and The Fifth Element join forces to tackle global challenges through transformative learning.

20 December 2024/by weec

VIII Ibero-American Congress on Environmental Education: “Cultures and territories at peace with nature”

From October 16 to 18, 2024, Santiago de Cali, Colombia, hosted the VIII Ibero-American Congress on Environmental Education,…
22 November 2024/by weec

The crucial role of indigenous voices at COP16 and beyond

by Jason J. Pitman

The conversations at United Nations Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP16) in Cali, Colombia, held in…
12 November 2024/by weec

Education, youth empowerment, and global partnerships at the heart of biodiversity action

by Jason J. Pitman

As the world continues to confront the urgent challenges of biodiversity loss and environmental degradation,…
12 November 2024/by weec

Celebrating World Environmental Education Day 2024: global experiences and activities

On October 14th, 2024, the 8th World Environmental Education Day was celebrated. This date marks the anniversary of the 1977…
5 November 2024/by weec

COP16, keys to biodiversity conservation

COP16 on Biodiversity took place in Cali, Colombia, from October 21 to November 1, 2024. This…
5 November 2024/by weec

8th World Environmental Education Day: celebrating today, October 14

October 14 marks the anniversary of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education, held in Tbilisi,…
14 October 2024/by weec

Centre International Hassan II de Formation à l’Environnement joins the #8thWEED

World environmental education day is celebrated on October 14, 2024. This international initiative, established by the WEEC…
9 October 2024/by weec

Centr’ERE presents: journées de l’éducation relative à l’environnement 2024

From October 10 to 29, 2024, the Centre de recherche en éducation et formation relatives à l’environnement et à l’écocitoyenneté…
8 October 2024/by weec

Take the Podium

The Network

The network is a permanent meeting point: professors, teachers, professionals, public officials, educators in general and / or their associations and bodies keep in touch between conferences.
They communicate their activities to the global community of environmental education and have access to documents and first-hand information; through books and magazines they build and improve their capacity to influence and develop in all citizens the necessary awareness allowing them to create a better and more sustainable world.

The win win strategy for a better world

The congresses

Congresses, held every two years, are the focal point in which all stake-holders in environmental education come together in order to present best practices, experiences, researches on methods and results of environmental education.
Under the supervision of a scientific committee representative for each continent and thanks to the efforts of the host country national committee, congresses become the ideal venue for reciprocal knowledge, exchange and discussions among individuals, institutions, networks, alliances or coalitions.

It’s time to act now

Why to join

Become a supporter and contribute to create a better and greener world. Get involved and increase your contacts, improve your career options and your knowledge. WEEC members can facilitate mutual cooperation and improve the quality of cultural and scientific debate.
You too could promote an active, informed and responsible citizenship, as a condition for a more peaceful, fair and ecological human society in a spirit of respect for gender, racial, social, religious, political and cultural differences. It’s time to act. Now.