Agreement between WEEC and University of Turin

Thanks to the President of the University of Turin Prof. Gianmaria Ajani (in the picture on the right, with Mario Salomone, the WEEC Secretary General) for having hosted the WEEC network and honored our collaboration with an official agreement, signed on July 12th, 2017.

The WEEC delegation was composed by (in the picture from the left to the right): Bianca La Placa (WEEC Network, Italy) , Ihssane EL Marouani (Foundation Mohammed VI for the Environmental Protection, Morocco), Mario Salomone (WEEC Network Secretary General), David Zandvliet (Simon Fraser University, Canada) , Nouhza Alaoui (Secretary General Foundation Mohammed VI for the Environmental Protection, Morocco), Dario Padovan (Unesco Chair, University of Turin, Italy)

1 reply
  1. Allain Chimanikire
    Allain Chimanikire says:

    We rae funning the Eco-Schools Programme in Zimbabwe at Mukuvisi Woodlands Nature Reserve and Environmental Education Centre with over 30,000 children visiting the centre every year form all over the country. This year I am leading a delegation made up of 14 School Children , 3 teachers and a University student form the Harare Regional Centre of Excellence (RCE) to WEEC 2017 to be held in Canada 9th -15th September 2017 and Our team will make presentations on the following categories:

    PBO-E: Connecting Elementary Students with Nature II. Interactive Posters.
    “place-Based Education for Sustainability and Local Outdoor Learning within the Schools Curriculum.( Allain Chimanikire)
    URB-B: How urban Land Use Variation Influences Diversity and Distribution of Bird Diversity in Harare Zimbabwe. (Tafadzwa Jakata)

    The School children in our team will have some drawings / posters on the following:
    Arts Based Approaches in Environmental Education.
    Global and Cultural Diversity in Environmental Education.
    Early Childhood Education and Environmental Education.

    I would like to know if it possible for our Eco-Schools Programme to collaborate or Partner with your University for advancement of environmental sustainability programmes.

    Allain Chimanikire
    Eco-Schools Programme in Zimbabwe – Harare RCE.
    Mukuvisi Woodlands Nature Reserve and Environmental Education Centre
    Harare, Zimbabwe

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