Online Certificate on Education for Sustainable Development

The Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development offers an online certificate programme on education for sustainable development, in collaboration with the UN Mandated University for Peace.
This Online Certificate Diploma is designed to provide participants with the understanding, knowledge, and skills to integrate Education for Sustainable Development and Education for Global Citizenship into classrooms, schools, and curricula with depth and creativity. It contributes to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, with a specific focus on SDG 4, target SDG 4.7 .

Specifically, this Certificate Programme seeks to:

Clarify concepts of sustainability, sustainability values and principles, sustainable lifestyles and responsible consumption; and global citizenship, as well as the synergies between them.
Deepen and expand knowledge about new paradigms of education associated with education for sustainability, sustainable lifestyles, education for global citizenship and transformative education.
Strengthen capacities and skills of the educators to integrate the values of sustainability in their areas of action, and develop educational programmes that promote a new awareness of our relationship with the environment and sustainable lifestyles.
Explore methodological and transforming pedagogical tools that can be used in educational programmes.
Motivate and inspire educators to contribute, through their areas of action, in building more coherent, harmonious, and sustainable societies.
Stimulate the exchange of experiences between educators from different contexts and regions.

The Certificate Programme has a duration of five months. It consists of four courses plus five seminars. Each course consists of five sessions (one per week). The minimum hourly load per participant is 124 hours, which involves 4 hours per week to read and see all the materials per session, plus the time for the seminars, and the preparation and implementation of a final project (individually or in group).

The course fee is US$1,300 (30% discount offered for groups of 3 or more. 10% discount in registration before November 15th, 2017, full payment only).

Read the program’s brochure


2 replies
  1. Koona Lucien Blaise
    Koona Lucien Blaise says:

    Je loue cette initiative de la formation en ligne sur l’EDD. Le programme est pertinent avec les possibilités d’ancrage de l’EDD dans les contextes formels, informels et non formels.
    Je me nomme Koona Lucien Blaise, Psychologue, Conseiller d’orientation au lycée d’Akwa nord et expert en éducation au développement durable, Co fondateur et Coordonnateur adjoint du RAEDD, réseau africain pour l’EDD et promoteur du GAP au Cameroun à travers le projet EDUFF, éducateurs et formateurs du futur sur l’EDD et Chef dudit projet.
    Le RAEDD , est OSC de droit Camerounais, est constitué des enseignants du primaire et du secondaires, présents dans au moins 80 écoles. Le RAEDD oeuvre à la promotion de l’EDD dans les nouveaux curriculas. Notre cible est l’odd 4_ à travers le renforcement des capacités des éducateurs et formateurs sur l’EDD ( domaine d’action priorité num 4 du programme d’action global de l’UNESCO sur l’EDD). Site web,

  2. Weec Secretariat
    Weec Secretariat says:

    Merci pour votre message. Si vouz voulez participer à la certification online présenté dans cet article nous vous prions de contacter les organisateurs: l’Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development.

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