WEEC 2021, here apply the Call for bids

Who will be the next? Universities, associations, institutions involved in environmental education can apply the form to organise the next WEEC Congress. The Call for bids is now open. A new edition of the World Environmental Education Congress is ready to be planned.
The public or private non-profit organizations concerned in the candidacy of their own country as the seat of the 11th WEEC in 2021 must send an Expression of Interest (EOI) and fill the Application Form (ask: secretariat@weecnetwork.org).

Read all information here: Call for bids_2021

8 replies
  1. Iain Patton
    Iain Patton says:

    Mario and Emanuel, I have been trying to email you but my messages are being rejected. Can you please unblock my email so we can progress the SDG Accord at Bangkok ipatton@eauc.org.uk Please confirm. Many thanks, Iain Patton


    I want to join WEEC. I have participated in WEEC 2015 Gothenburg and WECC 2017 Vancouver before. WEEC exciting for us. We look forward together with my YRE students from Turkey.

    Umut DILSIZ
    Saint-Joseph College İzmir / Turkey

  3. Marguerite ITEMA
    Marguerite ITEMA says:

    I’m trying to open the link but I cann’t. can you help?

    Margureite ITEMA

  4. SITA DIENGUILA Luc Arsène
    SITA DIENGUILA Luc Arsène says:

    Je suis un écologiste environnementaliste, expert, négociateur en changement climatique et membre de la commission technique, de la préparation de la COP24 au Ministère du tourisme et de l’environnement en République du Congo.
    Président de l’Association Génération Ecologie qui oeuvre dans les domaines du développement durable et de l’environnement. D’ici à la fin de l’année, nous allons vous faire parvenir nos contribution sur les thèmes du Congrès.

    Bien à vous !


  5. diana visintini
    diana visintini says:

    i participated in Brisbane, Morrocco and Gottenburg congresses
    I want to know if my email is still working, since I don’t want to change it and
    ….if it is necessary I can change my password which I don’t remember it

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