11WEEC submit your abstract now!

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There is less than one month left until the end of the abstract submission. Do not miss the participation in the congress. You can build the bridges and choose to submit your abstract within 13 parallel sessions and 1 cross-cutting theme.
- Action Competence and Key Competencies for Sustainability (Olsson & Sund)
- Arts, Ethics, and EE (Jickling, Dlouha & Henderson)
- Business Sector and EE (Gal & Varga)
- Climate Change Education (Monroe & Kolenaty)
- Early Childhood Education: The Foundation of ESD (Jancarikova, Elliott & Arlemalm-Hagser)
- Education for Environmental Citizenship (Hadjichambis & Hansmann)
- EE in Non-Formal Settings (Mukute & Chochoulouskova)
- EE in the Anthropocene (Paulsen & Blekinsop & Malone)
- Outdoor EE: Bridging Nature Experiences with School and Home (Johnson & Fryzova)
- Place-based Education (PBE) (Bocko & Jorgenson)
- Sustainable Universities (Gal & Varga)
- Transformative, Transgressive Learning in Communities (Lotz-Sisitka & Maqwelane)
- Whole School Approaches to Environmental and Sustainability Education (Goldman & Gericke)
- Water for life (Nasser)