WEEC2022: submission & early bird registration deadlines extended

More than 300 submissions from more than 40 countries have already been submitted to the 11th World Environmental Education Congress (14-18 March 2022 in Prague)! The keynote speeches, cross-cutting dialogues, webinars, and panels form a basis for a rich and inspiring program.

At the same time, we know that many people still struggle with the uncertainty of the COVID situation in their countries and need more time planning. In light of this, we have decided to postpone the upcoming deadlines: early bird registration to October 1st and abstract submission to November 30th

We hope that more time makes congress more available for the world environmental and sustainability education community.

In addiction, we allow an opportunity to flexibly change the form of registration from onsite to online (and vice versa) by the end of December 2021. What does it mean? If you are not sure about coming to Prague, you may still register for the onsite participation and submit one of the onsite forms of presentation now. In December 2021, you may change your registration from the onsite to online (or from online to onsite) form. This change could be done only one time and in the mentioned period. After this, you will automatically receive the surplus (for the change from onsite to online) or asked to pay the difference in the registration fee (for the change from online to onsite).

We are looking forward to seeing you!