World Environmental Education Day 2021

October 14th is close and it’s time for the forth World Environmental Education Day.

Since 2018 the WEEC’s introduced the Day to gather in a single moment events and activities linked to the environmental education and people’s awareness raising.

How you can join the campaign?

From 9 to 17 October schools, parks, environmental education centers, public institutions, associations, museum aim to organise special events. The goals?
– To highlight the importance of developing educational action
– to build transversal skills
– to focus on the complexity of the challenges in a world where everything is ever more interconnected
– to affect perception of the human relationship with the environment
– to affect attitudes and therefore individual and collective behaviors
– to make people awaring protagonists of a change towards more environmental friendly, more livable and more equitable societies.

Fill the form and send us a brief description of your programs, workshops, lectures and initiatives you will do in the days between 9 and 17 October (if possible with photos and links), and we will spread it on our channels and we will make it known to all the environmental educators of our network.
You will then be able to join the campaign and use its logo.

Why October 14th?

Forty-four years ago in the Georgian capital city Tbilsi, on October 14, 1977, took place the United Nations Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education, organized by UNESCO and UNEP.
The summit lasted two weeks and ended with a statement of great relevance, still today.

The Coordination of the World EE Day is taken care by the world-wide network of environmental educators who, each two years, give life to the main congress in that field (the WEEC, World Environmental Education Congress).

The celebrations of the fortieth anniversary of the 1977 Tbilisi Conference took place on 9 September in Vancouver at the ninth WEEC World Congress.

Read the Appeal for a World Environmental Education Day and support the campaign to exhort the UN, the leading institutions worldwide, all our colleagues, all citizens interested in a more sustainable and pleasant future to endorse and to spread our call to recognize and to celebrate every year, on October 14th, the World Environmental Education Day.