World Enviromental Education Day, the University of Quebec is ready.

In the view of the World Enviromental Education Day, a very interesting and relevant event occur in the Centr’ERE, Centre de recherche en éducation et formation relatives à l’environnement et à l’écocitoyenneté, in the University of Quebec in Montreal.

It is organized with respect for links with the past, present and future and with ancestral land rights.

These days begin the fall season of the Centr’ERE by highlighting three symbolic dates whose meanings significantly mark our relationship to education, indigenous peoples and the environment. October 5 will indeed be the International Teachers’ Day; October 12, the controversially titled “Discovery” of the Americas day, which marks very painful moments in history and inspires rebuilding ties with the First Peoples of the Americas; and October 14, International Environmental Education Day (ERE). These three dates mark out the course of a set of activities (seminars, round tables, conferences, meetings) offering complementary views on the past, present and future of the field of environmental education in the University of Quebec in Montreal, Quebec and beyond. Throughout these days, multiple windows will be opened on the abundant interdisciplinary networks between ERE and the fields of philosophy, anthropology, arts and literature, among others.

Check the full program on 

The fourth edition of the World Environmental Education Day will take place between 9 and 17 October. The Weec Network is inviting all the stakeholders of the environmental education to join the World Environmental Education Day organizing special events to highlight the importance of environmental educational actions all over the world.

Several associations, environmental education centers, schools and institutions are sending us information about their events.

Don’t waste time, send us your ideas and what you and your organization are preparing on .