11WEEC Register with confidence!

Not sure you will be able to go abroad? The 11th WEEC may be the first opportunity to meet face to face with our community after two COVID years. As we believe, these are the face-to-face meetings that build future partnerships and give us energy for our work.
However, while the situation in the Czech Republic has returned to normal, many parts of the world still struggle with the pandemic. We understand the uncertainty and hesitating: may I afford to register onsite? Could online participation be the safer choice?

Participation in the WEEC 2022
In light of this, we allow an opportunity to flexibly change the form of registration from onsite to online (and vice versa) by the end of December 2021.
What does it mean?
If you are not sure about coming to Prague, you may still register for the onsite participation and submit one of the onsite forms of presentation now.
In December 2021, you may change your registration from the onsite to online (or from onsite to online) form. This change could be done only one time and in the mentioned period. After this, you will automatically receive the surplus (for the change from onsite to online) or be asked to pay the difference in the registration fee (for the change from online to onsite).
All the prices will be calculated from the amount valid at the time of your first registration.

Format of your presentation
In addition, you can change the format of your presentation (oral presentation / Pecha Kucha / Poster) from the online to the onsite form (and vice versa) by the end of November 2021.
After this date, this change will not be possible. However, you can still change the format of your participation by the date mentioned above (as a result, you can decide in January to arrive in Prague, but you will have your presentation online).

We hope this opportunity helps you in your decision. In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to meeting you – either in Prague or at our virtual platform.