Mario Salomone
LOCAL ORGANISERS AAEE (Australian Association for Environmental Education)
THEME Climate, Education, Community resilience, Global warming, Environmental Education
PARTICIPANTS 800 delegates from more than 50 countries from all continents
Climate is one of the main issues that emerged from the conference. How can people be educated to mitigate impacts on climate and adapt to the ongoing climate changes? How can we reinforce community resilience to the dramatic consequences of global warming?
Other recurring subjects of the congress were young people’s participation, context variety, partnership and networks (keywords that have been mentioned in many speeches), the role of universities, the need to increase the attention of decision makers to the themes of environmental education.
A first chance to ask politicians and institutions for an increasing commitment in favour of environmental education could be the 2012 Rio Summit, which will take place 20 years from the historic 1992 Earth Summit.
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Mario Salomone