9th WEEC
Vancouver, Canada
9 – 15 September 2017
CulturEnvironment. Weaving new connections
Vancouver, Canada
9 – 15 September 2017
CulturEnvironment. Weaving new connections
LOCAL ORGANISER Institute for Environmental Learning
THEMES Early Childhood Education and EE, Place-based Education and Local Outdoor Learning, Architecture and Green Design, Arts Based Approaches in EE, Agriculture and Garden-Based Learning, Global and Cultural Diversity in EE, Urban Eco-systems, Environmental Communication (and Uncertainty), Indigenous Knowledge and EE, Ethics Lead Learning and Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Agency/Activism, Nature as Teacher / Nature as Researcher, Global Policy and Environmental Education, Perspectives, Challenges and Innovation in Research.
PARTICIPANTS 900 from 64 nationalities
ABSTRACTS In 1977 the world’s first Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education, organized by UNESCO in partnership with UNEP was held in Tbilisi, Georgia.
The Conference, ended up with the adoption of the Tbilisi Declaration, highlighted the important role of EE in the preservation and improvement of the world’s environment, as well as in the sound and balanced development of the world’s communities.
Now WEEC 2017 celebrated Tbilisi+40.
Media & Other resources
Mario Salomone
Mario Salomone
Mario Salomone
Judith Guichon
Lalla Hasnaa
Lalla Hasnaa
Tamar Aladashvili
Letter from the Portugal Ministry of Environment
“I do believe that the 9th World Environmental Education Congress, under the trasversal theme Culture/Environment will be a success and will provide a great opportunity to give notice about the importance of the interlinkages between both sectors, issues that have really a universal common and fruitful interst for all”.
Ines Ferreira Alves, Head of Gabinet
Gabinete do Ministro do ambiente, República Portuguesa
Letter from the Head of the Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and communication UVEK, Switzerland
“I am convinced that education for the environment is an importatn task as our economies are turning green and face many political, technical but also behavioral challanges. Such a transition needs the involvement of all the stakeholders and the WEEC congresses contribute to it. I wish you and the organizers the best success in your endeavour to address, in 2017, the interplay between cultural and environmental factors towards sustainable development”.
Doris Leuthard
Federal Councillor