Media Credentials for Journalists at WEEC2019

Press and Media are warmly welcome to attend the 10th World Environmental Education Congress in Bangkok (3-7 November 2019). In order to attend as press you need to submit an official press ID specifying media affinity to  and wait for an acceptance letter from the Organizing Committee in order to register as media. Fill the press accreditation form and send it to
Our  wish is for a distribution of press geographically and according to media type.

Journalists, including photographers, are required to submit one of the following:

  • A letter of assignment on the letterhead of the news organization being represented
  • Copies of 2 bylined environmental/science articles (or credited photos) published within the last year. Web links are acceptable, provided the full article is accessible.
  • A copy of official press credentials, such a press card issued by a recognized journalists’ association or a government-sanctioned press organization and/or a business card issued by a recognized news organization

Freelance journalists including photographers must submit one of the following:

  • A letter of assignment on the letterhead of the news organization being represented
  • Copies of 2 bylined environmental/science articles (or credited photos) published within the last year. Web links are acceptable, provided the full article can be accessed.