Tag Archive for: 11WEEC

WEEC 11: field sessions and abstract submission deadline

In addition to 12 thematic parallel sessions in Prague Congress Centre, the WEEC offers you 10 practical field sessions in 9 Czech environmental education centres (on-site program). The host centres will serve as case studies for particular topics discussed during the workshop-style sessions.  

  • 4 field sessions will take place in Prague, 6 in the environmental education centres out of Prague, which also offers you a great opportunity to explore the host country. 
  • 5 field sessions include overnight followed by a trip with local environmental educators. 

You will thus have a great opportunity to explore landscapes, landmarks and tastes of Bohemian Paradise, Moravian karst, Krkonoše mountains, Brno and Bohemian – Moravian highland.

Explore our field sessions: 

1. Inquiry-based environmental education

2. Participative approaches in environmental education at schools

3. Schools as environmental campaigners

4. Animal farming in environmental education and animal welfare concerns

5. Folk traditions and traditional crafts in environmental education

6. Learning by Nature

7. Alienation from nature

8. Nature and Community as the Best Classrooms

9. EE in modern ZOO

10. School gardens and school forests 


Abstract submission deadline:
30th November 2021


11th WEEC: Not sure about COVID and travel? Join us in building bridges online

The 11th WEEC, as the first in its history, is applying the hybrid conference format. As a result, participants may choose between online and onsite participation. In light of the changing pandemic situation, participants may register either online or onsite and switch between these modes until the end of December 2021.

What does online participation look like?
As an online participant 
⦁ You can actively participate by submitting your presentation or participating without a presentation
⦁ You can choose whether to introduce your presentation in one of the virtual rooms in real-time and get immediate feedback or just upload it on the virtual platform and discuss it on the discussion forum
⦁ You will have access to the virtual platform with all of the ongoing online presentations and workshops, streamed onsite plenary sessions, and recordings of the parallel sessions (both online and onsite)
⦁ You can discuss selected topics with all of the WEEC participants
⦁ You can access the virtual platform up to one year after the closing of WEEC

The online presentation is reasonable if you want to be a part of WEEC but cannot come to Prague. Let’s join online!

Any questions about the online WEEC?
Contact Jan at cincera@mail.muni.cz

Abstract submissions close: 30th November 

Due to the covid’s situation, this time WEEC gives you the chance to choose between online and onsite participation

WEEC2022: connecting cultures in Prague VIDEO

The WEEC congress is for and about all those of us who are not indifferent, but passionate about environmental education.
We are looking forward to seeing you along with all the chairs, guest speakers and staff of the Czech centres from 14-18 March 2022

Travel safe and sustainable to Prague: The Czech Republic has been awarded the international “Safe Travels Stamp”

Few months remain until the 11th World Environmental Education Congress (14-18th March 2022) in Prague. We believe this will be a time when  after two difficult years we will be able to meet again in person.

Through other European cities, Prague is one of the safest city and the Czech Republic has been awarded the international “Safe Travels Stamp” by the World Tourism & Travel Council (WTTC) and now holds the status of a safe destination.

Concerning connections, Prague is becoming easier avilable with direct flights from many european city and by 2022 new air root will be added by air companies like Wizzair, Blue Air SkyUp Airlines,Ural Airlines, airBaltic, Czech Airlines or Aeroflot. KLM, Air France and Lufthansa. There are also long-haul flights to Doha, Qatar, and Dubai, which will now be serviced by three carriers, namely Emirates, flydubai and Smartwings.

Currently, it is possible to fly to 115 destinationsfrom Václav Havel Airport Prague operated by over 45 airlines. But, as flights are increaing, the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, Prague Airport, the Foreign Police of the Czech Republic and the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic will strengthen the control of the currently valid conditions for entry into the country.

In line with the new procedures, passengers will be jointly inspected upon arrival by employees of Prague Airport, members of the Foreign Police of the Czech Republic and the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic. According to the valid protective measures in place, upon arrival in the Czech Republic, it is checked whether, passengers have completed a Public Health Passenger Locator Form (http://www.prijezdovyformular.cz), are in the possession of a certificate of completed vaccination or a proof of the illness recovery in the last 180 days. Passengers can also submit a COVID-19 negative test result according to the rules in effect. However, the assessment of the situation will always depend on the specific case of the respective passenger and the destination from which they are arriving.

Passengers can find an overview of the currently valid conditions for entry into the Czech Republic on the Czech Ministry of Interior’s website. Specific rules are based on the list of countries according to the degree of risk, which is regularly updated on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic

Not only safety but also beauty is one of Prague’s keystones, indeed the City ranked seventh best city in the renowed British magazine Time Out thanks to the fact that most of the interviewed praised the city’s beauty despite the lockdowns (82 %) and walkable distances with no need to use car (89 %). The Czech capital has been also ranked second when it came to opportunities to relax. This all makes Prague one of the world’s most liveable cities. Besides, the magazine highlighted the green areas of Prague, especially Prague 6 district, whose parks can be used all year round for summer picnics or winter sledging. 

For any doubts or more information, please contact us on media@weecnetwork.org

Submit you abstract by October 1 and pay the early bird rate

Submission and early bird’s deadline is almost near. Do not miss the opportunity to register for the 11WEEC congress with the most convenient rate

All presenting authors of the accepted abstracts can benefit from the early bird registration fee if the abstract is submitted by October 1, 2021.
Read more here

The abstract submission ends to November 30th.

In addition you have the opportunity to flexibly change the form of registration from onsite to online (and vice versa) by the end of December 2021. What does it mean? If you are not sure about coming to Prague, you may still register for the onsite participation and submit one of the onsite forms of presentation now. In December 2021, you may change your registration from the onsite to online (or from online to onsite) form. This change could be done only one time and in the mentioned period. After this, you will automatically receive the surplus (for the change from onsite to online) or asked to pay the difference in the registration fee (for the change from online to onsite). All the prices will be calculated from the amount valid at the time of your first registration.

You can also change the format of your presentation (oral presentation / Pecha Kucha / Poster) from the online to the onsite form (and vice versa) by the end of November 2021.

We hope this opportunity helps you in your decision. In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to meeting you – either in Prague or at our virtual platform.

WEEC2022: submission & early bird registration deadlines extended

More than 300 submissions from more than 40 countries have already been submitted to the 11th World Environmental Education Congress (14-18 March 2022 in Prague)! The keynote speeches, cross-cutting dialogues, webinars, and panels form a basis for a rich and inspiring program.

At the same time, we know that many people still struggle with the uncertainty of the COVID situation in their countries and need more time planning. In light of this, we have decided to postpone the upcoming deadlines: early bird registration to October 1st and abstract submission to November 30th

We hope that more time makes congress more available for the world environmental and sustainability education community.

In addiction, we allow an opportunity to flexibly change the form of registration from onsite to online (and vice versa) by the end of December 2021. What does it mean? If you are not sure about coming to Prague, you may still register for the onsite participation and submit one of the onsite forms of presentation now. In December 2021, you may change your registration from the onsite to online (or from online to onsite) form. This change could be done only one time and in the mentioned period. After this, you will automatically receive the surplus (for the change from onsite to online) or asked to pay the difference in the registration fee (for the change from online to onsite).

We are looking forward to seeing you!

11WEEC submit your abstract now!

There is less than one month left until the end of the abstract submission. Do not miss the participation in the congress. You can build the bridges and choose to submit your abstract within 13 parallel sessions and 1 cross-cutting theme.

Register here

11WEEC: is the conference fee too high for your budget?

The COVID situation deployed the budget of many organizations. While we must keep our budget balanced, we also want to make WEEC available for all who want to participate.

To achieve this, we look for partners for possible proposals aimed at the financial support of our participants from different regions.

If you can see such an opportunity in your region, please, contact Lucie Čechovská, e-mail: cechovska.luci@gmail.com. We may cooperate with you to prepare a proposal for financial support and make congress available for more participants from your region.

We appreciate your cooperation!

11WEEC Register with confidence!

Not sure you will be able to go abroad? The 11th WEEC may be the first opportunity to meet face to face with our community after two COVID years. As we believe, these are the face-to-face meetings that build future partnerships and give us energy for our work.
However, while the situation in the Czech Republic has returned to normal, many parts of the world still struggle with the pandemic. We understand the uncertainty and hesitating: may I afford to register onsite? Could online participation be the safer choice?

Participation in the WEEC 2022
In light of this, we allow an opportunity to flexibly change the form of registration from onsite to online (and vice versa) by the end of December 2021.
What does it mean?
If you are not sure about coming to Prague, you may still register for the onsite participation and submit one of the onsite forms of presentation now.
In December 2021, you may change your registration from the onsite to online (or from onsite to online) form. This change could be done only one time and in the mentioned period. After this, you will automatically receive the surplus (for the change from onsite to online) or be asked to pay the difference in the registration fee (for the change from online to onsite).
All the prices will be calculated from the amount valid at the time of your first registration.

Format of your presentation
In addition, you can change the format of your presentation (oral presentation / Pecha Kucha / Poster) from the online to the onsite form (and vice versa) by the end of November 2021.
After this date, this change will not be possible. However, you can still change the format of your participation by the date mentioned above (as a result, you can decide in January to arrive in Prague, but you will have your presentation online).

We hope this opportunity helps you in your decision. In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to meeting you – either in Prague or at our virtual platform.

Water for life: a cross-cutting theme at 11WEEC

Photo by @naja_bertolt_jensen Unsplash

Photo by @naja_bertolt_jensen Unsplash

Water quality and quantity are very crucial for sustaining life in many parts of the world. In arid and semi-arid zones, communities are suffering from water scarcity due to population growth, climate change and lack of technological development. Therefore, education for water conservation and reuse in an urban setting is very crucial for sustaining life in dry regions.

The cross-cutting theme “water for life” addresses issues of water reclamation using extensive technologies, which are suitable for low technology and suitable for direct application in an urban setting. The utilized technologies will also be suitable for the collection of stormwater. The workshop “water for life” will establish a group of educators and researchers interested in using the topic “water” to enhance the awareness and research in environmental education and will follow the group established in WEEC 2019 in Bangkok. The subtheme consists of two parts, the round table session (90 min) and the follow-up workshop (60 min). As an output of the workshop, a subgroup of water for life will be formed.

The Round table session focuses on sharing the experience with the following topics (not limited to):

extensive technologies for wastewater and greywater treatment suitable for none-potable water reuse
– environmental education through water conservation and reuse
– water quality and natural water treatment processes
– case studies of water treatment and utilization for environmental education water cycle and the impact of human activities
– utilization of treated wastewater and stormwater for green city projects

Individual presenters are assigned to numbered tables in rooms where interested participants may gather for discussion with the presenter about his/her paper or project.

Short presentations (up to 15 min) are expected. These discussions will be held in English. All of the submissions will be reviewed.

More about this session and abstract submissions.