Tag Archive for: Call for paper

PAJEP Call for paper: nature animation and environmental education in France

PAJEP, the Center for the conservation of archives of youth and popular education associations, organizes a call for paper. On 30th and 31th March 2022 the conference on History and archives of nature animation and environmental education in France in the years 1970 -1990 will take place. This event will bring together several partners and environmental education networks.

The event is conceived as the culmination of a study cycle on the theme of the history of nature-environment animation in those years. It aims to open up new avenues, to identify researchers in this field and to attempt a first synthesis of elements collected since 2016 within the framework of 6 preparatory study days.

The colloquium will bring together archivists, researchers and actors (activists and representatives of associations); this call for paper is therefore addressed to all of these networks. The organizers expect contributions from sociology, anthropology, environmental sciences, science and technology of physical and sports activities, etc.

You have time until 19th April 2021 to submit your paper


For further information about how to submit a paper and on the conference, click here

Come promoting the WEEC with us!

Voir ci-dessous pour la version française
Ver abajo para la versión en español

We hope you can support the congress and its dissemination. How? Here you are some quick suggestions:

  • Send an invitation to participate to all your friends and colleagues. Many people could be interested in attending the Congress, but maybe they are not in our database. Ask them to subscribe our newsletter to be always in contact with us. If you like, help us also to spread the communication about WEEC 2019 using the “Save the date” stamp as signature of your e-mail and on social network and websites.
  • Promote your country delegation. Do you want to be the referent of your country? Surely you know many people interested in participating, but (for reasons of time and work) they need help in organising, that person can be you!
  • Do you know that you can get a discount using the group rateGroup of 5 persons and upto 9 persons, who registered together / same time, will get 10% discount on total fee. Group of 10 persons and above, who register together /same time, will get 20% discount on total fee. Organize your group (association, university, institution, group of friends and students)!
  • Pay before, pay less. The early bird registration is valid until  March 31st 2019. It is therefore useful to take advantage of it.
  • Send us your proposal for a Call. We launched the call for papers on specific topics we are going to receive. This initiative aims at promoting a collaborative process enriching and specifying topics listed on the program. So, you (or your colleagues) can send us your own thematic calls for papers we will share and will promote through the WEEC website, newsletter and Facebook. Proposals you like to develop with/to announce to colleagues from all over the world can be sent to: staff@weecnetwork.org (suitable deadline: March 31st 2019).  Of course, proponents will be the point of reference also BEFORE the congress and at the congress they will chair/coordinate thematic niches built on this basis.

We are sure that, thanks to your help, it will be a remarkable Congress!


Nous espérons que vous pourrez soutenir le congrès et sa diffusion. Comment ? Voici quelques suggestions rapides:

– Envoyez une invitation à tous vos amis et collègues. Si vous le souhaitez, aidez-nous également à diffuser la communication sur le WEEC 2019 en utilisant le timbre ” Save the date ” comme signature de votre courrier électronique ainsi que sur les réseaux sociaux et les sites Web.

Promouvez-vous la délégation de votre pays. Voulez-vous être le référent de votre pays ? Vous connaissez sûrement beaucoup de personnes intéressées à participer, aidez-les à s’organiser !

– Savez-vous que vous pouvez obtenir un rabais en utilisant le tarif de groupe :  Groupe de 5 personnes et jusqu’à 9 personnes, qui se sont inscrits ensemble / en même temps, obtiendront 10% de réduction sur les frais totaux. Les groupes de 10 personnes et plus, qui s’inscrivent ensemble / en même temps, obtiendront un rabais de 20% sur les frais totaux.

– Payez avant, payez moins. L’inscription anticipée est valable jusqu’au 31 mars 2019. Il est donc utile d’en profiter.

– Envoyez-nous votre proposition d’appel. Nous avons lancé l’appel à communications sur des sujets spécifiques que nous allons recevoir. Cette initiative vise à promouvoir un processus de collaboration enrichissant et spécifiant les sujets énumérés dans le programme. Les propositions que vous aimez développer avec / à annoncer à des collègues du monde entier peuvent être envoyées à: staff@weecnetwork.org (date limite: 31 mars 2019). Bien entendu, les promoteurs seront le point de référence également AVANT le congrès et, lors du congrès, ils présideront / coordonneront les niches thématiques construites sur cette base.

Nous sommes sûrs que, grâce à votre aide, ce sera un congrès remarquable!


Envía una invitación para participar a todos tus amigos y colegas. Si lo desea, ayúdenos también a difundir la comunicación sobre WEEC 2019 utilizando el sello “Guardar la fecha” como firma de su correo electrónico y en las redes sociales y sitios web.

– Promover la delegación de su país. ¿Quieres ser el referente de tu país? Seguramente conoces a muchas personas interesadas en participar, ayúdalos a organizarse!

– ¿Sabe que puede obtener un descuento utilizando la tarifa de grupo:  Grupo de 5 personas y hasta 9 personas, que se registraron juntas / al mismo tiempo, obtendrán un 10% de descuento sobre la tarifa total. Grupo de 10 personas o más, que se registren juntos / a la misma hora, obtendrán un 20% de descuento sobre la tarifa total.

– Paga antes, paga menos. La inscripción anticipada es válida hasta el 31 de marzo de 2019. Por lo tanto, es útil aprovecharla.

– Envíanos tu propuesta de convocatoria. Lanzamos la convocatoria de artículos sobre temas específicos que vamos a recibir. Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo promover un proceso de colaboración que enriquezca y especifique los temas enumerados en el programa. Las propuestas que desee desarrollar con / para anunciar a colegas de todo el mundo se pueden enviar a: staff@weecnetwork.org (fecha límite adecuada: 31 de marzo de 2019). Por supuesto, los proponentes también serán el punto de referencia ANTES del congreso y en el congreso presidirán / coordinarán nichos temáticos construidos sobre esta base.

Estamos seguros de que, gracias a su ayuda, ¡será un Congreso extraordinario!

WEEC2019. New Call: The environment and indigenous development challenges

The World Bank estimates that there are about 370 million Indigenous people living worldwide in over 90 countries, accounting for 4,8% of the world’s population. Almost 80 percent of these are located in Asia and more than one-third in China alone. This type of ancestral knowledge and expertise on how to adapt, mitigate and reduce disaster risks has been internationally recognized as a support for the modern methods to cope with the imminent effects of climate change. Further, indigenous education can be an example of what a sustainable life means: a non-anthropocentric experiential transmission of coexistence with nature, based on mutual respect and a deep sense of belonging. Any knowledge (epistemology) can “be useful or useless, politically salient or meaningless, socially relevant or irrelevant, empirically testable or irrefutable, ideologically open or blind, without reference to whether it is indigenous or scientific” (Arun Agrawal). However, conitnuing pressure to maintain living standards in the industrial countries imply devastating socio-economic and territorial changes for indigenous peoples all over the world. The Their livelihoods are contaminated by raw material extraction and deforestation processes, and actions that force them to enter into market dynamics as the only way to survive and protect their territory.

In this context, some significant figures have begun to shown their influence in facilitating change: among others the Bora(1) leader, Liz Chicaje Churay, was awarded with the Franco-German Human Rights Prize and Rule of Law Award for her work in favor of the territorial security of the indigenous communities of Peru(2); Ruth Buendía, Asháninka(3), won The Goldman Environmental Prize (South and Central America) for her leadership skills in raising awareness about the impact of Peruvian energy development and its threats using digital simulations of how the Ene River Valley would be flooded during construction. Today more and more leaders from indigenous communities are involved in environmental defense issues. Another example is Rusbel Casternoque, a leader of the indigenous community Kukama Tarapacà, who is actively fighting for a prior consultation process in the case of “Hidrovia Amazonica”(4), worried about the environmental impacts that would fall on the territory, in particular regarding the issue of food and livelihood sources for communities along the rivers courses there. It should be stressed that among the indigenous peoples we must also not only isolated communities, but those who have integrated into the urban centres or live on reserves (see for example First Nations communities in Canada).

These are many examples of how indigenous cultures are in tension with the industrialized West. With our research we need to raise awareness about the many connections between environmental stewardship and indigenous cultures; at the same time, new technologies and the mass media give a voice and a face to all persons, stimulating proactive processes of change.

In line with this aim, we welcome contributions (in the form of oral sessions, papers, posters, round table sessions or workshop) engaging with any of the following (and associated) topics:

The 21st century indigenous communites and cultural values
Ancestral knowledge and experiential education techniques
Indigenous adaptation measures assisting in current environmental remediation
Tensions between indigenous cultures and globalization processes
Forms of environmental education occurring in Indigenous communities
Modern tools useful for the improvement of life in indigenous communities

Enquiries: staff@weecnetwork.org –  Flavia Napoletano in cooperation with David Zandvliet


The World Bank (2018) “Indigenous people”,

Arun Agrawal (2009) Why indigenous knowledge?, 39:4; 157-158, DOI:10.1080/03014220909510569

1Indigenous peoples originally settled in Colombia, nowadays in the north-east of Peru after the rubber exploitation.
2Her actions led the creation of the Yaguas National Park.
3Asháninkas are the demographically largest Amazonian indigenous people of Peru.
4The project involves dredging some areas of the Amazon River (Brazil and Peru) and its tributaries (Marañón, Ucayali and Huallaga), to ensure “safe navigation throughout the year”.

10th WEEC Call for paper

For the first time the World Environment Education Congresses lands in Asia, in a country like Thailand, rich in history, nature, art and traditions.

It is the Tenth World Environmental Education Congress, an event that we want to celebrate with a congress rich in themes and suggestions.

The title of the 10th WEEC (Local knowledge, communication and global connectivity) refers to the relationship between local knowledge and global connectivity.
On the one hand, local knowledge (based on direct relationship with places, experience, heritage inherited from generation to generation) offers contextualized solutions, technologies appropriate to diversity of situations, sense of belonging, emotional involvement, participation opportunities and concrete action.

On the other hand, humans are linked by a common destiny: they are now connected by thousand powerful channels of communication and are mutually interconnected by the effects of everything that happens on the globe. Continuous exchanges of materials and information are the hallmark of the phase that humanity has come to. More than ever, the classic statement of environmental thought that every local thing is global and vice versa is true.

As always, researchers of all disciplines and all people (individuals and organizations, public and private) operating in some way in environmental knowledge and values are invited to participate in the 10th WEEC: academics, teachers, journalists, science disseminators, practitioners, operators of parks, museums, eco-museums, local authorities, associations, etc., because the environment is transversal to every aspect of human knowledge and involves deeply attitudes, behaviors and reflexive critical action at all ages and in every aspect of personal and social life .

Presentations can be used to describe and / or discuss and comment on theoretical positions, researches, criticalities, educational challenges, methods, good/best practices, and educational tools.

Presentations may have different formats, but all of them will obviously have a reference to the educational aspects and sub-themes listed here.

Of course, each group of participants will be maybe fascinated by specific paths through the themes. For example:

1. Teachers and trainers, interested in their work in schools, will focus on Methods and Science about Teaching and Learning EE and sustainability education.

2. NGO’s and civil society will be engaged and interested in change towards a sustainable society, in cooperation for EE and sustainability education, in experiences, outcomes, educational challenges.

3. Politics and media in bringing international contracted goals into reality, and systemic work in politics and media.

4. Vulnerable groups and the call for Eco-justice will focus on strategies, experiences, challenges and solutions for change.

The organisers of the 10th WEEC 2019 would like to stress that the sub-themes are suggestions and not watertight compartments or sealed boxes. So, interaction and cross-disciplinary papers and discussion amongst the delegates will be encouraged.


Section 1: Local Sphere

Theme 1: Understanding and social use of science: science-society-technology-environment and participation.

Theme 2: Ageing Society and sustainability.

Theme 3: Sufficiency Economy for sustainability, sustainable consumption and lifestyles.

Theme 4: Waste and Pollution Management through Environmental Education.

Theme 5: Learning based on sustainable and solidary agriculture.

Theme 6: Disaster Preparedness, Climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Theme 8: Natural Resources and Livelihood.

Theme 9: Research, Design and Innovation.

Theme 10: Eco-citizenship, democracy and mobilization: participatory processes and citizen’s involvement in democratic decision-making processes.

Theme 11: Stakeholders in dialogue: educating public and private organisations for a common task.

Section 2: Environmental Education and Communication Sphere

Theme 11: Science Communication and Social Media.

Theme 12: Interpretation of Science and the Environment.

Theme 13: Environmental Education Programs: Non-Formal Education.

Theme 14: Environmental Ethics, Philosophy and Culture.

Theme 15: The political dimension of Environmental Education.

Theme 16: Environmental Promotion and Networking.

Theme 17: Digital Technology Learning and Environmental Education.

Theme 18: Early Childhood Education and Environmental Education.

Theme 19: Environmental/Sustainability Education, Teachers education and Methodologies for a really effective, empowering, and transformative education.

Section 3: Global Connectivity Sphere

Theme 20: World Green Remediation: education as crucial tool for social, environmental and climate justice and equity in a greener society.

Theme 21: “Common good” and future well-being without poverty.

Theme 22: Urban Ecosystem and Sustainability.

Theme 23: Health, risks and safety, and food sustainability.

Theme 24: Gender Equality, Environmental Education and Sustainability.

Theme 25: Educational policies between renewal and not honoured commitments.

Theme 26: Global Challenge and Policy.

Theme 27: Community and Global Responsibility.

Theme 28: Consciousness and Ecological Tourism.

Theme 29: Peace as a socio-ecological issue.

Submit your abstract here

Future of Food Journal, call for papers

Future of Food: Journal for Food, Agriculture and Society is proud to announce the Volume 5. Number 2 (Autumn 2017) of the journal on the theme of  “Food security with equity through social and technological innovations“.  This journal is an open-access journal.
The individual paper can be accessed at this link (Please click the cover page).
The journal is now calling for research papers, reports and book reviews for Volume,6 Number 1 of the journal (Spring 2018), which will focus on the theme of “Healthy ecosystems for/from sustainable agriculture.” Research papers are accepted until the 15th of February, 2018.

Please contact managing  editors for further information.
The journal is indexed by the several institutes including SCOPUS and Emerging Sources Citation Index® – Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics, formerly Thomson Reuters’ IP & Science branch), & United Nations Water.