For the first time the World Environment Education Congresses lands in Asia, in a country like Thailand, rich in history, nature, art and traditions.
It is the Tenth World Environmental Education Congress, an event that we want to celebrate with a congress rich in themes and suggestions.
The title of the 10th WEEC (Local knowledge, communication and global connectivity) refers to the relationship between local knowledge and global connectivity.
On the one hand, local knowledge (based on direct relationship with places, experience, heritage inherited from generation to generation) offers contextualized solutions, technologies appropriate to diversity of situations, sense of belonging, emotional involvement, participation opportunities and concrete action.
On the other hand, humans are linked by a common destiny: they are now connected by thousand powerful channels of communication and are mutually interconnected by the effects of everything that happens on the globe. Continuous exchanges of materials and information are the hallmark of the phase that humanity has come to. More than ever, the classic statement of environmental thought that every local thing is global and vice versa is true.
As always, researchers of all disciplines and all people (individuals and organizations, public and private) operating in some way in environmental knowledge and values are invited to participate in the 10th WEEC: academics, teachers, journalists, science disseminators, practitioners, operators of parks, museums, eco-museums, local authorities, associations, etc., because the environment is transversal to every aspect of human knowledge and involves deeply attitudes, behaviors and reflexive critical action at all ages and in every aspect of personal and social life .
Presentations can be used to describe and / or discuss and comment on theoretical positions, researches, criticalities, educational challenges, methods, good/best practices, and educational tools.
Presentations may have different formats, but all of them will obviously have a reference to the educational aspects and sub-themes listed here.
Of course, each group of participants will be maybe fascinated by specific paths through the themes. For example:
1. Teachers and trainers, interested in their work in schools, will focus on Methods and Science about Teaching and Learning EE and sustainability education.
2. NGO’s and civil society will be engaged and interested in change towards a sustainable society, in cooperation for EE and sustainability education, in experiences, outcomes, educational challenges.
3. Politics and media in bringing international contracted goals into reality, and systemic work in politics and media.
4. Vulnerable groups and the call for Eco-justice will focus on strategies, experiences, challenges and solutions for change.
The organisers of the 10th WEEC 2019 would like to stress that the sub-themes are suggestions and not watertight compartments or sealed boxes. So, interaction and cross-disciplinary papers and discussion amongst the delegates will be encouraged.
Section 1: Local Sphere
Theme 1: Understanding and social use of science: science-society-technology-environment and participation.
Theme 2: Ageing Society and sustainability.
Theme 3: Sufficiency Economy for sustainability, sustainable consumption and lifestyles.
Theme 4: Waste and Pollution Management through Environmental Education.
Theme 5: Learning based on sustainable and solidary agriculture.
Theme 6: Disaster Preparedness, Climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Theme 8: Natural Resources and Livelihood.
Theme 9: Research, Design and Innovation.
Theme 10: Eco-citizenship, democracy and mobilization: participatory processes and citizen’s involvement in democratic decision-making processes.
Theme 11: Stakeholders in dialogue: educating public and private organisations for a common task.
Section 2: Environmental Education and Communication Sphere
Theme 11: Science Communication and Social Media.
Theme 12: Interpretation of Science and the Environment.
Theme 13: Environmental Education Programs: Non-Formal Education.
Theme 14: Environmental Ethics, Philosophy and Culture.
Theme 15: The political dimension of Environmental Education.
Theme 16: Environmental Promotion and Networking.
Theme 17: Digital Technology Learning and Environmental Education.
Theme 18: Early Childhood Education and Environmental Education.
Theme 19: Environmental/Sustainability Education, Teachers education and Methodologies for a really effective, empowering, and transformative education.
Section 3: Global Connectivity Sphere
Theme 20: World Green Remediation: education as crucial tool for social, environmental and climate justice and equity in a greener society.
Theme 21: “Common good” and future well-being without poverty.
Theme 22: Urban Ecosystem and Sustainability.
Theme 23: Health, risks and safety, and food sustainability.
Theme 24: Gender Equality, Environmental Education and Sustainability.
Theme 25: Educational policies between renewal and not honoured commitments.
Theme 26: Global Challenge and Policy.
Theme 27: Community and Global Responsibility.
Theme 28: Consciousness and Ecological Tourism.
Theme 29: Peace as a socio-ecological issue.
Submit your abstract here