Tag Archive for: conference

Last Five Days to Secure Your Early Bird Discount for WEEC Congress!

Join the Environmental Education Network in Abu Dhabi from January 29th to February 2nd, 2024

Are you passionate about environmental education and eager to connect with leading experts in the field? The World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) is just around the corner, and there are only five days left to take advantage of our special Early Bird discount. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to become a part of our vibrant community.

WEEC Congress Highlights:

The WEEC Congress is set to take place in the stunning city of Abu Dhabi from January 29th to February 2nd, 2024. It promises to be a gathering of some of the world’s foremost experts in environmental education.

One key feature that sets WEEC apart is our commitment to inclusivity. If you haven’t received acceptance for your abstract yet, worry not! You can still secure the discounted rate even after the deadline has passed.

Registration Costs:

  • Conference Delegate (Teachers, Academics, Business Community): USD 450
  • Conference Youth (Students, Young Researchers, and Young Professionals, age between 18-30 years): USD 400
  • Conference Pass for NGOs or Residents of Least Developed Countries: USD 350
  • Conference Group Rates (5+ pax / 10+ pax): -10% / -20%

This is a unique opportunity to engage with the latest developments in environmental education, connect with like-minded individuals, and contribute to a more sustainable future. Act now to secure your spot at the WEEC Congress at a discounted rate before it’s too late!

To register and learn more about the event, please visit our official website.

Don’t miss out on this chance to make a difference and be a part of a global network dedicated to environmental education. We look forward to welcoming you to Abu Dhabi for the WEEC Congress in 2024!

Nature in Mind, international conference in Rome

Nature in Mind, an international conference promoted by the Italian Carabinieri brought together voices from all over the world and from every sector. From Pope Francis to the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella, high-level interventions and networking. Wide presence of the WEEC network

Nature in Mind: the value of biodiversity

“By Leaves We Live”
“This is a green world, with animals comparatively few and small, and all dependent on
the leaves. By leaves we live. Some people have strange ideas that they live by money.
They think energy is generated by the circulation of coins. Whereas the world is mainly a
vast leaf colony, growing on and forming a leafy soil, not a mere mineral mass: and we
live not by the jingling of our coins, but by the fullness of our harvests.”
(Sir Patrick Geddes, 1854-1932)

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Convention for Biological Diversity, signed on May 22 nd, 1992 in Rio de Janeiro,  Italian environmental police force, in collaboration with WEEC Network,  wants to celebrate, with a 2-day International Conference – Nature in mind – the value of biodiversity in the name of a greener and more sustainable future. 

International Day for Biological Diversity is the occasion to reflect on our responsibilities towards the environment and to consider the possibility of creating a new culture of nature.
The scientific comprehension of natural processes and the new awareness about the importance of the compliance of our behaviours with the law are two equally important and strictly integrated elements which aim at the conservation of nature.

Environmental education thus becomes education to environmental “legality”: a set of knowledge that becomes “culture”, environmental culture, that has to represent the fundamental part of the most deeply rooted education of citizenship, necessary to build a better future for the next generations.

The Conference Nature in Mind, which will be held in a mixed form (in person and remotely), will address various topics thanks to the interventions of distinguished Italian and international speakers
following the ideal path of seven Sessions:

  1. Opening Session
  2. One Health – Nature and Well-being
  3. At the Nature School
  4. Education and Nature
  5. School, city, territory
  6. Education, infosphere, mass culture and Nature
  7. Voices from the world

For the registration, have a look here.


A call for workshops: 17th Congress on Environmental Education (ERE) 2021

The Quebec Association for the Promotion of Environmental Education (AQPERE)  announces the 17th conference on environmental education (ERE). The event will take place online on November 19, 2021.

The organizing committee invites the actors and actresses of the ERE to submit proposals for workshops falling under the theme of the colloquium “A healthy world! Issues for environmental education”.

Submit your workshop by 31 May 2021

Appel de propositions d’ateliers – Colloque AQPERE 2021

For information: communications@aqpere.qc.ca

Education for achieving Sustainable Development Goals

The UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (17-19 May 2021) is organized by UNESCO in cooperation with and supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany, and with the German Commission for UNESCO as advisory partner.

This year the Conference wants to address the challenges the climate crisis and Covid-19 brought to the attention and equip learners with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed to contribute to a more sustainable world. In 2017, ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) was recognized by UN General Assembly as an integral element of the SDGs on quality education and a key enabler of all the other SDGs.

The goal of the Conference is to create a momentum for the new framework ESD for 2030 (that focuses on streamlining ESD with Agenda 2030) to achieve the SDGs within the next 10 years and to build education systems that support learners of all ages to be responsible and active contributors to more sustainable societies and a healthy planet.

The Conference will take place on a participatory online platform. The format of the virtual Conference will include interactive plenaries for debate and dialogue and concurrent sessions for in-depth discussion, online-workshops, virtual exhibitions and digital networking opportunities. Interaction will be key to the whole programme in order to provide a learning experience for all.

Further information on participation and how to register for the Conference will be soon available on UNESCO website.

In preparation of the UNESCO World Conference on ESD, you can participate to the pre-conference workshops to April 2021.

Subscribe now to EECOM 2021

Early registration is now open for EECOM2021.  This year, for the first time the largest National Environmental Education conference in Canada will take place online from 21-24 April 2021.

Teachers, students, classes, community organizations and parents will be welcomed. The Conference will begin on April 21 with a research symposium with some of the most eminent researchers and teachers in Canada and around the world. The following 3 days there will be dynamic sessions and workshops focused on four themes: the city as a classroom, indigenous education, eco-justice education and education relating to water.

There will be 3 opening presentations: Larissa Crawford on Earth Day, indigenous artists Christi Belcourt and Isaac Murdoch and Julian Agyeman on climate justice and more than 100 presenters over more than 70 sessions. Participants will have the opportunity to socialize with other members of EECOM community during the “Green Night”.

To find more about the program and to register, click here and for the english form here

Resolving Environmental Threats for the Benefit of Humanity, conference in Korea

The Twenty-Sixth International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS XXVI) will be held in Seoul (Korea) on February 3 – 5. The main theme will be Resolving Environmental Threats for the Benefit of Humanity.

Mario Salomone, Secretary General of the WEEC Network is one of the speakers. The theme of his speech will be about Educating the Public in Environmental Best Practices.

The conference is organised by the HJIFUS, the Hyo Jeong International Foundation for the Unity of the Sciences. HJIFUS engages in research on the environmental ailments of Earth. As the Foundation has connections to many world level organizations, it is well-positioned to spread innovative ideas and best practices to leaders. HJIFUS institutions around the world work together to cosponsor international conferences and projects.

The mission of HJIFUS is to protect and regenerate the health of the environment, thereby enhancing the well-being of humanity and all life on Earth.

To do this, HJIFUS will identify environmental threats and their causes. The Foundation conducts research on solutions to the environmental problems directly or through partnering entities. After best solutions are identified, HJIFUS supports their implementation in areas of the world facing environmental challenges.

Local Democratic Challenges: Environment, Inequalities and Resilient Cultural Mediation

The INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION’s research committee on sociotechnics and sociological practice (isa-26) and the working group on global-local relations (ISA-WG01) in cooperation with the Sociology of Work and Employment Lab, Sociology Department, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, Greece and its partner, the Observatory on Combating Discrimination, Greek Center of Social Research (EKKE) organize the Conference Local Democratic Challenges: Environment, Inequalities and Resilient Cultural Mediation in Fragile / Transitional Communities (Sept. 9-11, 2019, Conference Center, Cooperative Bank of Chania, Chania, Crete, Greece), supported by the Cooperative Bank of Chania, with the patronage of the WEEC Network.

The ISA is interested in relating participation to a socio-technical process whereby local community cohesion issues emerge as dominant forms impressed by globalization forces on the one side, but also by new knowledge forms, such as info-technology, which require symmetries in the manner of holistic approaches to be co-founded at local level.

Territoriality becomes important as local labor needs to organize new forms of organization where info-technology becomes key for bio sciences, including services suchas, labor mobility. Tourism, culinary culture and gaming are cases in point. However, the key issue remains the social reproduction issues which are needed by the community. A dynamic knowledge based trusted network akin to an Orchestra maybe the key to communal sustainability. This requires local partnership and trusted political mediation, from the bottom, to reconcile divisions and galvanize the community.
«We are seeking papers whereby different forms of participation, inclusion/exclusion issues, empowerment, cooperation, define forms of social and rural developmentat local levelin order to bridge “separate” and often conflictual political communities of interest».

The problems of fragile and rural communities are of interest here.
How do power relationships allow for inclusion and how such partnerships can become more effective tools for sustainable local governance? What is the of sociological practice mediation and how such mediation can be recognized technicity, as management? Are welcomed papers focused on these issues leading to the overall consideration of the role of social capital, social economyand its role on local public (general interest) policy formation.

Organiser: Prof. George O. Tsobanoglou, Sociology of Labour Laboratory, University
of the Aegean, Lesvos, Vice-President, Research Committee RC26 Sociotechnics –
Sociological Practice, International Sociological Association.
Send your abstract (up to 250 words) along with your coordinates (Name, Prof. Association and a brief bio (up to 50 words) by July 1, 2019 to the following addresses:
Email: g.tsobanoglou@soc.aegean.gr and necoud@otenet.gr

Learning and networking for sustainable development in the Alps

YOUrALPS’ partners have the pleasure to invite you to the international conference for the presentation of the two main outputs of the project: the Alpine School Model and the OurAlps Network. The conference will gather together professionals of education, mountain education and mountain activities in the Alps; policymakers and public authorities; representatives of associations, protected areas and networks; as  well as young people passionate about  the Alps.

During the Alpine School Model presentation, the experiences of schools and non-formal organizations who tested the model during the project will be highlighted. A round table will also be held to discuss with international and national policymakers about Alpine education and about the possibility of assuring the model’s sustainability in the future.
During the round table dedicated to OurAlps, we will discuss together the importance of an international network of mountain education in the Alps, in relation to international strategies aimed at Youth.
On day 2 of the conference, workshops in small groups will allow an operational exchange on targeted themes for mountain education and the OurAlps network.

Register here

The conference is organised in the frame of the INTERREG Alpine Space Project YOUrALPS


Politics, Ecology and Society in the Anthropocene

The XII National Conference of Environmental Sociologists in Italy, titled “Politics, Ecology and Society in the Anthropocene”, will be held on 26 and 27 September 2019, at the University of Salerno.
The Conference will be focused on the organization and reorganization of political, social, and ecological relations within the era that some scholars define as Anthropocene.
At the same time, this concept will be critically considered. On the one hand, it is recognized the degree of uncertainty that the general scientific debate highlights about this concept, developing a deep critique. On the other, it is highlighted the geographical, social and political homogeneity implied by this concept, as it places in the background the inequalities which characterize the socio-ecological relations over time – for example those linked to colonial and neocolonial, gender, and human and extra-human natures relations.
The concept of Anthropocene marks a field in movement, both from the point of view of the quality of socio-ecological relationships, and from the point of view of the epistemological and methodological aspects that drive research and knowledge production.
This turbulence is theoretically and empirically important, involving the intertwining of
politics, society and ecology in all the areas of socio-ecological relationships that are
considered relevant.
On this basis and in consideration of the multiplicity of  approaches and research fields that traditionally characterize Environmental Sociology in Italy, a call for panels is opened, in order to organize the Conference in a series of sessions.

We invite all interested scholars to submit proposals for thematic sessions by 25 January 2019, specifying the following contents:
1) Panel title; 2) name or names of organizers; 3) three keywords; 4) an abstract to present panel aims (max 3,000 characters).
Proposals can be submitted in Italian, Spanish, or English, sending them to the following e-mail address: 12congresso.sociologiambiente@gmail.com.

Panel proposals will be evaluated and published by 5 February 2019, followed by a call for Conference presentations until submission deadline (25 April 2019). Presentations (title, proponents, 3 keywords, and a 3,000 characters abstract) will be sent both to the Conference address (12congresso.sociologiambiente@gmail.com) and the thematic session organizers.
Accepted presentations will be notified by 15 May 2019. Conference program will be published by 30 May 2019.

Conference Scientific committee: Alfredo Agustoni, Aurelio Angelini, Marco Castrignanò, Enrico Ercole, Alfredo Mela, Giorgio Osti, Luigi Pellizzoni, Lauro Struffi, Enrico M. Tacchi, Anna Maria Zaccaria. Local Conference organizer: Gennaro Avallone

Facebook Conference page