Tag Archive for: David Zandvliet

Call for submissions: selected papers form the 10WEEC

Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, 10WEEC Opening Ceremony

The Tenth World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) was recently held in Bangkok, Thailand, and was organized under the title theme of Local and Global Connectivity. The Local Organizing Committee for the congress was the Faculty of Environment, Kasetsart University (Thailand) in cooperation with the WEEC Permanent Secretariat (Italy). We would like to thank you for your participation in this important international meeting.

The success of the congress has been well documented with more than 1000 attendees and several UN agencies participating. Attendees hailed from many over 70 countries and presented papers across sub-themes embracing a diversity of approaches in the conceptualization and implementation of EE worldwide. Many attendees remarked that the cultural aspects of the congress were especially timely and that the practice of inviting educators (both formal and informal) to dialogue with policy makers and academics is important.

Papers selected for inclusion in this peer reviewed volume will focus on the multidisciplinarity of EE. In addition, submissions will have been previously accepted for presentation at the Bangkok meeting and address one or more of the interconnected congress sub-themes. Submissions can be directed towards an educator or researcher audience (or both) but should involve original research or curriculum development work. All submissions for the volume must be written in English.


The first stage of the submission process will be to indicate your willingness to have your abstract considered for inclusion in this edited and peer reviewed volume. To be considered, please send a brief email to the lead editor (Dr. David Zandvliet, dbz@sfu.ca and cc’d to the Conference Chair: Prof Surat Bualert Surat.b@ku.ac.th) and include your original abstract submission ID from the congress, a three hundred word (max) edited abstract, and a brief listing of the relevant congress subthemes. Please also include a full list of authors and their relevant institutional affiliations in this communication.
In the second stage of the process the editorial team will review the abstracts submitted, and invite full submissions from selected author teams for the next stage of peer review. Unfortunately, not all abstracts submitted will be invited to present their work in this volume, however, those not accepted could alternatively be considered for publication in other venues. Abstracts selected for an invitation to the book project will receive an email letter from the editorial team. This letter this will include further information about page limits, submission format, etc. so that the full submissions can be edited and submitted in a timely manner for the next stage of the process.

In the final stage of the process, the editorial team will provide detailed feedback to author teams regarding their full paper submission in preparation for final copy editing of the publication to the publisher. After a final external peer review of the entire volume, the final book will then be published as part of the Culture and Environment Series with DIO Press (New York). Finally, as we hope to have the entire submission and review process conducted within the next 6-8 months, it is important that authors respect the timelines for transition of their submitted work to the final published volume. Appended is a detailed timeline with key dates that proposals will need to meet for inclusion in the publication.


Email your ID, abstract and proposal summary to the editor. (dbz@sfu.ca) Mar. 1st, 2020
Invited author teams are notified and given submission requirements. Mar. 15th, 2020
Full chapter drafts are sent to the editor in preparation for peer review. May. 1st, 2020
Editorial feedback on full proposals will be returned to author teams. June. 15th , 2020
Final copy-edited chapter drafts will be submitted to the editor for compiling. Sept. 15th, 2020
Full peer reviewed volume will be submitted to the Publisher. Oct. 30th, 2020

WEEC2019. New Call: The environment and indigenous development challenges

The World Bank estimates that there are about 370 million Indigenous people living worldwide in over 90 countries, accounting for 4,8% of the world’s population. Almost 80 percent of these are located in Asia and more than one-third in China alone. This type of ancestral knowledge and expertise on how to adapt, mitigate and reduce disaster risks has been internationally recognized as a support for the modern methods to cope with the imminent effects of climate change. Further, indigenous education can be an example of what a sustainable life means: a non-anthropocentric experiential transmission of coexistence with nature, based on mutual respect and a deep sense of belonging. Any knowledge (epistemology) can “be useful or useless, politically salient or meaningless, socially relevant or irrelevant, empirically testable or irrefutable, ideologically open or blind, without reference to whether it is indigenous or scientific” (Arun Agrawal). However, conitnuing pressure to maintain living standards in the industrial countries imply devastating socio-economic and territorial changes for indigenous peoples all over the world. The Their livelihoods are contaminated by raw material extraction and deforestation processes, and actions that force them to enter into market dynamics as the only way to survive and protect their territory.

In this context, some significant figures have begun to shown their influence in facilitating change: among others the Bora(1) leader, Liz Chicaje Churay, was awarded with the Franco-German Human Rights Prize and Rule of Law Award for her work in favor of the territorial security of the indigenous communities of Peru(2); Ruth Buendía, Asháninka(3), won The Goldman Environmental Prize (South and Central America) for her leadership skills in raising awareness about the impact of Peruvian energy development and its threats using digital simulations of how the Ene River Valley would be flooded during construction. Today more and more leaders from indigenous communities are involved in environmental defense issues. Another example is Rusbel Casternoque, a leader of the indigenous community Kukama Tarapacà, who is actively fighting for a prior consultation process in the case of “Hidrovia Amazonica”(4), worried about the environmental impacts that would fall on the territory, in particular regarding the issue of food and livelihood sources for communities along the rivers courses there. It should be stressed that among the indigenous peoples we must also not only isolated communities, but those who have integrated into the urban centres or live on reserves (see for example First Nations communities in Canada).

These are many examples of how indigenous cultures are in tension with the industrialized West. With our research we need to raise awareness about the many connections between environmental stewardship and indigenous cultures; at the same time, new technologies and the mass media give a voice and a face to all persons, stimulating proactive processes of change.

In line with this aim, we welcome contributions (in the form of oral sessions, papers, posters, round table sessions or workshop) engaging with any of the following (and associated) topics:

The 21st century indigenous communites and cultural values
Ancestral knowledge and experiential education techniques
Indigenous adaptation measures assisting in current environmental remediation
Tensions between indigenous cultures and globalization processes
Forms of environmental education occurring in Indigenous communities
Modern tools useful for the improvement of life in indigenous communities

Enquiries: staff@weecnetwork.org –  Flavia Napoletano in cooperation with David Zandvliet


The World Bank (2018) “Indigenous people”,

Arun Agrawal (2009) Why indigenous knowledge?, 39:4; 157-158, DOI:10.1080/03014220909510569

1Indigenous peoples originally settled in Colombia, nowadays in the north-east of Peru after the rubber exploitation.
2Her actions led the creation of the Yaguas National Park.
3Asháninkas are the demographically largest Amazonian indigenous people of Peru.
4The project involves dredging some areas of the Amazon River (Brazil and Peru) and its tributaries (Marañón, Ucayali and Huallaga), to ensure “safe navigation throughout the year”.