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Barcelona will host the 3rd Pan-European Days of Environmental Education toward Sustainability

logo giornate europee 2015The 3rd edition of Pan-European Days of Environmental Education toward Sustainability will be held in Barcelona, the 1st and the 2nd of October 2015.

This upcoming 3rd edition is organised by the Minister for Territory and Sustainability of the Catalan Region with the support of the Secretariat of World Environmental Education Congress and the Four Motors for Europe.
This event aims to bring new ideas to further developing quality environmental education projects and improving their impact and assessment. Moreover, it aims at creating an European ESD Network to promote the exchange of practices, to collect knowledge and partnerships, and to be representative of ESD stakeholders.

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European Days of Environmental Education

They took place in Bergamo on the 25th and 26th of  September 2014, the Pan-European days of environmental education and sustainability.
The first edition was held in Lyon (France) on the 4th  March 2013 (http://www.assises-eedd.org/journee-europeenne). Participation was free and opened to all public and private actors that work for formal education, non-formal and informal learning. The days were preceded, on the 24th, by a national Italian meeting in conclusion of the first phase of construction of an Italian network for environmental education.
For more information visit www.europe.environmental-education.org