Tag Archive for: October 14th

8th World Environmental Education Day 2024

The 8th World Environmental Education Day, is approaching! It will be celebrated on 14 October,

The World Environmental Education Day was established on October 14th in order to celebrate the first intergovernmental conference on environmental education held in Tbilisi (Georgia) from October 14th to 26th 1977.

On October 14th, 1977, the United Nations Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education, organized by UNESCO and UNEP, opened in Tbilisi (Georgia’s capital), and ended on October 26th with a statement of great relevance still today.

Now, for the whole month of October, during the World Environmental Education Day educational institutions, environmental organizations, parks, museums and many other entities dedicate special events to raise public awareness of the importance of environmental education.

Learn more about the World Environmental Education Day: click here!

Are you ready to participate?

Everyone is invited to organise special events to highlight the importance of developing educational actions to build transversal skills; to focus on the complexity of the challenges in a world where everything is interconnected; to affect perception of the human relationship with the environment, to affect attitudes and therefore individual and collective behaviours; to make people protagonists of a change towards more environmentally friendly and equitable societies.

The event is coordinated by the global network of environmental educators, who meet every two years in the sector conferences known as WEEC, World Environmental Education Congress. These congresses offer a unique opportunity for experts to share best practices, discuss emerging challenges and strengthen global collaboration in environmental education. The next WEEC Congress will be held in Perth (Australia) in 2026.

If you want to take an active part in this important event, we invite you to join us in celebrating World Environmental Education Day.

How? You can:

  • Share your initiatives and projects filling the form here
  • Freely download the logo of the initiative
  1. Official logo of World Environmental Education Day 2024
  2. Logo officiel de la Journée mondiale de l’éducation à l’environnement 2024
  3. Logotipo oficial del Día Mundial de la Educación Ambiental 2024
  • Sign the campaign here

Every contribution, big or small, is essential to building a more sustainable world. All initiatives that take place in October can be included in this event. We will promote every event on our media channels
Together, we can make a difference and shape a future where harmony between humanity and nature is guaranteed for generations to come.

Join us in doing your part for a better world!