Tag Archive for: online

Nature in Mind: the value of biodiversity

“By Leaves We Live”
“This is a green world, with animals comparatively few and small, and all dependent on
the leaves. By leaves we live. Some people have strange ideas that they live by money.
They think energy is generated by the circulation of coins. Whereas the world is mainly a
vast leaf colony, growing on and forming a leafy soil, not a mere mineral mass: and we
live not by the jingling of our coins, but by the fullness of our harvests.”
(Sir Patrick Geddes, 1854-1932)

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Convention for Biological Diversity, signed on May 22 nd, 1992 in Rio de Janeiro,  Italian environmental police force, in collaboration with WEEC Network,  wants to celebrate, with a 2-day International Conference – Nature in mind – the value of biodiversity in the name of a greener and more sustainable future. 

International Day for Biological Diversity is the occasion to reflect on our responsibilities towards the environment and to consider the possibility of creating a new culture of nature.
The scientific comprehension of natural processes and the new awareness about the importance of the compliance of our behaviours with the law are two equally important and strictly integrated elements which aim at the conservation of nature.

Environmental education thus becomes education to environmental “legality”: a set of knowledge that becomes “culture”, environmental culture, that has to represent the fundamental part of the most deeply rooted education of citizenship, necessary to build a better future for the next generations.

The Conference Nature in Mind, which will be held in a mixed form (in person and remotely), will address various topics thanks to the interventions of distinguished Italian and international speakers
following the ideal path of seven Sessions:

  1. Opening Session
  2. One Health – Nature and Well-being
  3. At the Nature School
  4. Education and Nature
  5. School, city, territory
  6. Education, infosphere, mass culture and Nature
  7. Voices from the world

For the registration, have a look here.


11th WEEC: Not sure about COVID and travel? Join us in building bridges online

The 11th WEEC, as the first in its history, is applying the hybrid conference format. As a result, participants may choose between online and onsite participation. In light of the changing pandemic situation, participants may register either online or onsite and switch between these modes until the end of December 2021.

What does online participation look like?
As an online participant 
⦁ You can actively participate by submitting your presentation or participating without a presentation
⦁ You can choose whether to introduce your presentation in one of the virtual rooms in real-time and get immediate feedback or just upload it on the virtual platform and discuss it on the discussion forum
⦁ You will have access to the virtual platform with all of the ongoing online presentations and workshops, streamed onsite plenary sessions, and recordings of the parallel sessions (both online and onsite)
⦁ You can discuss selected topics with all of the WEEC participants
⦁ You can access the virtual platform up to one year after the closing of WEEC

The online presentation is reasonable if you want to be a part of WEEC but cannot come to Prague. Let’s join online!

Any questions about the online WEEC?
Contact Jan at cincera@mail.muni.cz

Abstract submissions close: 30th November 

Due to the covid’s situation, this time WEEC gives you the chance to choose between online and onsite participation

11WEEC Register with confidence!

Not sure you will be able to go abroad? The 11th WEEC may be the first opportunity to meet face to face with our community after two COVID years. As we believe, these are the face-to-face meetings that build future partnerships and give us energy for our work.
However, while the situation in the Czech Republic has returned to normal, many parts of the world still struggle with the pandemic. We understand the uncertainty and hesitating: may I afford to register onsite? Could online participation be the safer choice?

Participation in the WEEC 2022
In light of this, we allow an opportunity to flexibly change the form of registration from onsite to online (and vice versa) by the end of December 2021.
What does it mean?
If you are not sure about coming to Prague, you may still register for the onsite participation and submit one of the onsite forms of presentation now.
In December 2021, you may change your registration from the onsite to online (or from onsite to online) form. This change could be done only one time and in the mentioned period. After this, you will automatically receive the surplus (for the change from onsite to online) or be asked to pay the difference in the registration fee (for the change from online to onsite).
All the prices will be calculated from the amount valid at the time of your first registration.

Format of your presentation
In addition, you can change the format of your presentation (oral presentation / Pecha Kucha / Poster) from the online to the onsite form (and vice versa) by the end of November 2021.
After this date, this change will not be possible. However, you can still change the format of your participation by the date mentioned above (as a result, you can decide in January to arrive in Prague, but you will have your presentation online).

We hope this opportunity helps you in your decision. In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to meeting you – either in Prague or at our virtual platform.

The 11th WEEC will be On-Site and On-Line

For the first time in its history, the World Environmental Education Congress is offering an opportunity to also participate in the online environment. The difficult pandemic situation shifted most of the environmental and sustainability education events to cyberspace in 2020, and while it is reasonable to expect that the situation will improve in the 2021, the on-line alternative seems to have become a new standard.
In light of this, we have decided to offer an on-line option for those who cannot come to Prague.

On-site participation is full participation. Participants who choose on-site participation get a full version of the congress (plenary and parallel sessions, field sessions and field trips). Moreover, they will have full access to all parts of the online platform, so they can access the congress materials a long time before and after the congress dates.
On-site participation supports networking. Most of the congress time is organized in smaller thematic groups to promote meeting and networking with participants with the same interests. If you are interested in meeting new people, in-depth discussion, and starting new cooperation, then the on-site option is better for you.
On-site participation is place-based and experiential. Field sessions and field trips are an important part of the congress. If you want to imagine how to link a place with the practice of environmental and sustainability education, if you want to enjoy informal chatting with people from environmental education centres, to get direct experience, then you should come to Prague.

Both on-site and on-line are safe.
Based on the experts, the pandemic situation should be resolved by the middle of 2021, when the vaccination is supposed to be in wide use throughout the population. We hope that lock-downs and travel restrictions will be a distant memory by the end of this year. Nevertheless, we will adopt strict precautions to make the congress as safe as possible.

On-line participation is more convenient, less expensive, and environmentally-friendly. Despite its clear disadvantages, on-line participation will bring you the meaningful option of participating from your home, with no travel costs and a small discount. While we have adopted a set of measures to minimize the environmental impact of the congress (we will be supplied with organic food from local sources, we will be almost paper-less, and we will offer a CO2 offset), it is clear that not to come always has less environmental impact than to come.
Please, consider your reasons for participation: if you just want a basic picture of the trends in the research and practice of ESE, if you are not pursuing new professional contacts, if you have a limited budget, perhaps the on-line option is better for you.

Notice: If you participate on-site, you will get full access to the on-line platform too. If you participate on-line, you have full access to the on-line platform.

Read here for more information