9th WEEC, the abstract book is now available for free
The 9weec_Abstract_ Book presents the contents of the World Environmental Education Congress held in Vancouver (Canada) in September 2017.
A total of 736 abstracts were submitted to the abstract submission system in English, French and Spanish.
Abstracts were submitted in 1 of 14 following strands. Early Childhood Education and EE; Place-based Education and Local Outdoor Learning; Architecture and Green Design; Arts Based Approaches in EE; Agriculture and Garden-Based Learning; Global and Cultural Diversity in EE; Urban Eco-systems; Environmental Communication (and Uncertainty); Indigenous Knowledge and EE; Ethics Lead Learning and Sustainability; Social Responsibility and Agency/Activism; Nature as Teacher / Nature as Researcher; Global Policy and Environmental Education; Perspectives, Challenges and Innovation in Research.
The congress allowed up to 14 parallel sessions as the Local Organizing Committee envisioned a room/home dedicated for each of the 14 strands. The majority of presentations was allocated to interactive poster sessions and discouraged the traditional PowerPoint presentations.
One of the goals of the congress was to encourage as much interaction and discussion amongst the delegates as possible and move away from the hierarchical oral presentations.
Upon review by the Local Organizing Committee as well as the Socio-Scientific Committee, there were a total of 259 interactive poster presentations, 26 novel format presentations, 43 paper presentations, 152 roundtable presentations, and 2 symposia confirmed for the congress.
64 countries were represented at WEEC 2017.