Tag Archive for: World Environmental Education Day

World Environmental Education Day 2022

The World Environmental Education Day is celebrated on 14 October. 40 years after the UN Conference in Tbilisi (Georgia).

From 10 to 25 October schools, parks, environmental education centers, public institutions, associations, museums … aim to organise special events to highlight the importance of developing educational action to build transversal skills. To focus on the complexity of the challenges in a world where everything is ever more interconnected. To affect perception of the human relationship with the environment, to affect attitudes and therefore individual and collective behaviors. To make people awaring protagonists of a change towards more environmental friendly, more livable and more equitable societies.
On October 14, 1977, the United Nations Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education, organized by UNESCO and UNEP, opened in Tbilisi (Georgia’s capital), which ended on October 26 with a statement of great relevance, still today.

The Coordination of the World EE Day is taken care by the world-wide network of environmental educators who, each two years, give life to the main congress in that field (the WEEC, World Environmental Education Congress).

The celebrations of the fortieth anniversary of the 1977 Tbilisi Conference took place on 9 September in Vancouver at the WEEC World Congress.

Read the Appeal for a World Environmental Education Day_EN and support the campaign to exhort the UN, the leading institutions worldwide, all our colleagues, all citizens interested in a more sustainable and pleasant future to endorse and to spread our call to recognize and to celebrate every year, on October 14th, the World Environmental Education Day.

From North to South of Globe: events and activities around the world for the EE Day

The fourth edition of the WorldEnvironmental Education Day took place from 14 to 26 October 2021.  The Weec Network invited all the stakeholders of the environmental education to join the World Environmental Education Day organising special events to highlight the importance of environmental educational actions all over the world.

Here are some of the Earth Day celebrations

In Portugal took place “Emc2”, an educational project that involved  100 students aged between 8-11 years old, with their teachers. They participated at 4 outdoor visits to coastal habitats, in order to know the endemic white crowberry plant. These visits occurred in mainland Portuguese coastal area of Torres Vedras and had the support of ‘Torres Vedras Environmental Educational Centre’ 

In the meanwhile, in Latvia, students from Madliena secondary school worked on project “Change your life-think more broadly”. It is civic participation project where students learn democracy and active partnership creating ideas, developing plans, looking for support. Project activities started in September and the students realized their ideas for better environment and for more beautiful and comfortable school surroundings. Work on project ideas devilment and realization make students more self-confident and responsible about place, where they live and study. It allows them to understand that their local work for better environment is a part of global issues. The improved surroundings of the school are used for school outdoor activities and became a good place for walks for everybody in Madliena. The support of local authorities and students` parents was important and helped the students to carry out their first so great project. 

In Brussels  COREN ran educational programs in environmental management in schools in Wallonia and Brussels. It

 organized activities on different themes: waste prevention and management, eco-consumption, rational use of energy, ecological footprint, food waste, citizen mobility . 




In Morocco,  the Hassan II International Center for Environmental Training is organizing a webinar entitled “Innovative approaches for the environment. ‘environmental education and sustainable development’ in collaboration with the WEEC network through the international expert Mr. David Zandvliet.

As well in Italy, on the EE Day, Istituto per l’ambiente e l’educazione Scholé Futuro – Weec network organized the Earth Festival first edition.

Three days, from 15 to 17 October, in Lombardy on the Lake Maggiore river, full of events, conferences and activities thought to people awareness raising  to climat

e change and environmental education. The Festival is Earth Prize’s heritage, that ‘s took place for three years.  

Joining  “All4Climate-Italy2021’’ initiatives, Weec Network prepared Staffetta per il clima, Race for climate: 26 events disseminated in 14 italian regions  training moments, round tables, conferences, contests, exhibitions, debates and meetings for the presentation of pilot projects / good practices / case studies on climate change education. The last  one took place on the 14th October, in occasion of the EE Day. 


The managing body of the CEAS Dorgali Cala Gonone promoted an online dissemination event with the release of presentations relating to the importance of environmental education centres and training activities for territorial, local and regional development and for the protection of biodiversity. 

Le Mille e Una Notte prepared nature workshops for children and teenagers with a sustainability theme to get to know the reality of the Tiber River up close, from 10 am to sunset. Activities are part of a European project I Rivers in full size (FGN), whose goal is to collaboratively develop a set of teaching materials based on an illustrated representation of the great European rivers and their catchment areas.  

The Park of the Royal Castle of Moncalieri organised a virtual visit for kindergarten pupils to learn about history of this place and the vegetation present in the large park (including many centuries-old trees). The event highlighted the importance of parks and gardens for people, to have a space for relax or free time, to socialize each other and know the area they live.

World Environmental Education Day 2021

October 14th is close and it’s time for the forth World Environmental Education Day.

Since 2018 the WEEC’s introduced the Day to gather in a single moment events and activities linked to the environmental education and people’s awareness raising.

How you can join the campaign?

From 9 to 17 October schools, parks, environmental education centers, public institutions, associations, museum aim to organise special events. The goals?
– To highlight the importance of developing educational action
– to build transversal skills
– to focus on the complexity of the challenges in a world where everything is ever more interconnected
– to affect perception of the human relationship with the environment
– to affect attitudes and therefore individual and collective behaviors
– to make people awaring protagonists of a change towards more environmental friendly, more livable and more equitable societies.

Fill the form and send us a brief description of your programs, workshops, lectures and initiatives you will do in the days between 9 and 17 October (if possible with photos and links), and we will spread it on our channels and we will make it known to all the environmental educators of our network.
You will then be able to join the campaign and use its logo.

Why October 14th?

Forty-four years ago in the Georgian capital city Tbilsi, on October 14, 1977, took place the United Nations Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education, organized by UNESCO and UNEP.
The summit lasted two weeks and ended with a statement of great relevance, still today.

The Coordination of the World EE Day is taken care by the world-wide network of environmental educators who, each two years, give life to the main congress in that field (the WEEC, World Environmental Education Congress).

The celebrations of the fortieth anniversary of the 1977 Tbilisi Conference took place on 9 September in Vancouver at the ninth WEEC World Congress.

Read the Appeal for a World Environmental Education Day and support the campaign to exhort the UN, the leading institutions worldwide, all our colleagues, all citizens interested in a more sustainable and pleasant future to endorse and to spread our call to recognize and to celebrate every year, on October 14th, the World Environmental Education Day.

Celebrating the World EE Day 2020, experiences and activities all around the world

The third edition of the World Environmental Education Day took place from 14 to 26 October 2020.  The Weec Network invited all the stakeholders of the environmental education to join the World Environmental Education Day organising special events to highlight the importance of environmental educational actions all over the world.

The aim of EE Day is to focus on the complexity of the challenges in a world where everything is ever more interconnected. Several associations, environmental education centres, schools and institutions sent us information about their events in 2020. We would like to thank all those who wanted to promote environmental education this year, despite the pandemic.

Here we present a selection of interesting case histories.


Cercle de Recherche pour l’Identification et la Promotion des Alternatives du Développement Durable (CRIPADD)

CRIPADD is convinced that an environmental education program for children is essential to raise environmental awareness. It is with this in mind that they initiated an animation campaign for the benefit of schoolchildren at the public primary school of Hio. It will focus on environmental themes drawn from their environment.

This initiative was set up after the momentous decision to ban mangrove cutting in Avlékété, an area of ​​impressive biodiversity, but overexploited. However, the decision of environmental protection is putting many families in economic difficulty.


Royal Education Council

Environmental education is one of the national priorities towards achieving the goals of Gross National Happiness. To this effect, Environmental Science for classes 9 to 12 was introduced as optional subject with the aim of developing youths who are in peace and harmony with the tangible and intangible environment. As a consequence, nature is used sustainably for the wellbeing of people and the nature.


International Francophonie (Francophonie internationale)
Revue Éducation relative à l’environnement

The Revue Éducation relative à l’environnement, part of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), has set up a Google discussion group (mailing list) concerning the field of Environmental Education. In this group, members can exchange information (announcements of colloquia, seminars or webinars; publications; call for contributions for an event; call for publication; links to a website or webpage, etc.), ask subscribers research questions on the subject of the list, help other subscribers by answering the questions asked, receive information… as long as it is in the field of Environmental Education. The language used by this group is French. This list is moderated and you will have the possibility to unsubscribe at any time.

To be a member of this group, send an email at revue.ere@uqam.ca


Fundación Cosmos

Fundación Cosmos manages the Rio Maipo Wetland Nature Sanctuary located on the central coast of Chile. This is one of the most important coastal wetlands in the area, both because it is home to more than 180 species of birds, and because of the environmental services it provides to local communities and the ecosystem in general. However, it is not free from threats and factors that deteriorate it and affect its biodiversity, such as the presence and accumulation of rubbish that reaches it through high tides or the flooding of the Maipo River. To commemorate World Environmental Education Day, they have organised a community rubbish clean-up, which is more important than ever, given the arrival of migratory birds in the wetland. Through the clean-up, the Fudación generates awareness about the origin of the rubbish and the possible destiny of the waste that we all produce, encouraging a change in behaviour with respect to it.


Association Centre de découverte du son

The Association Centre de découverte du son will organize a nature outing: “Sons Buissonniers”. Walks will be organised in search of musical instruments that nature can offer. Magical moments where a blade of grass turns into a whistle, fruit into percussion. Then pupils will discover how to manipulate and have fun with these sound objects.



Litt’Obs will organise an educational discovery of rays and sharks with a school public as part of the Festival Baie des Sciences in St-Brieuc, on 14th of October.


Department of Education Studies at University of Bologna

An informal group of professor and students engaged on environmental education is organizing a web event (in Italian) addressed to students of the Department of Education Studies at University of Bologna, on the 16 October, 11 am-1 pm.
Title: Educazione ambientale, scuola, Indicazioni Nazionali (Environmental education, school and National Guide-lines), relator Prof. Stefano Piastra.


“MAREARTE” Project, travelling exhibition

The “MareArte” project was born from an idea of the artist Diego Racconi as a collective of small paintings by international artists, received through the postal system. The theme of the works develops on the relationship between Man and the Sea, transforming art into a valid tool of awareness, through which to send a message to the community, stimulating virtuous behaviour and raising awareness of respect for the environment. The large participation of the artists with their personal postcards led to the development of the initiative by organizing a traveling collective exhibition, in which some specific works created by the artist Diego Racconi are also presented for a charity action in support of reality. that deal with the recovery of marine animals. The exhibition is structured and proposed thanks to the collaboration of various institutional bodies involving them for the promotion of the initiative in their own territory and is sent through the postal system from location to location in the various destinations, through a tour and a travel route using the postal system. The initiative focuses on environmental sustainability issues and for this reason the invitation to participate in the initiative is also extended to children, precisely to involve the new generations on ecological environmental issues and sustainability objectives. All the works received will be collected at the end of the exhibition in an artist’s book and will therefore not be returned. The Exibition is now hosted at the Museo Barca Lariana (MBL) – Pianello del Lario, Como, Italy


Institute of People and Nature (IPN)

The Institute of People and Nature (IPN) will take part at the celebration of the World Environmental Education Day with a webinar on “Environmental Education in Madagascar from 1985 to 2020: background and trends”. The main objective is to inform the audience about the EE actions taken in Madagascar Island since the start in 1985, their impacts and current trends. The target groups are: Members of IPN group (217 members from Malagasy public and private Universities); and Environmental Education, Conservation and Sustainable Development professionals, University students worldwide interested in EE and environment-related issues in Madagascar. It will take place on 14th October at 12:00 GMT. The webinar will be conducted in French. The speaker is Andrianambinintsoa RAKOTOMALALA (Environmental Educator – Sociolinguist, Faculty of Science, University of Toliara, MADAGASCAR)



School of OOU Vlado Tasevski, Skopje

The school of OOU Vlado Tasevski will organise a Climate Action Project and Climate Change and Environment Activities on: Climate Change and biodiversity loss; the effects of climate change; the solutions; pedagogy and education; sustainable education; and SSGoals.



The Sustainable Development Youth Leaders Education program will develop knowledge, skills and attitudes about sustainability. This program not only increases knowledge and awareness, but also improves skills and enables individuals to make more informed decisions about the environment.

There are a few methodologies that will create a solution-oriented project approach to many issues such as global climate change, gender equality, disruption of ecological balance, separation of biodiversity, ending hunger and poverty, sustainability cities, clean and sustainability energy, life in water. They will find knowledge to improve have academic and personal skills through organizational skills, speaking in front of the community, speaking a speech, preparing a project report.


National Network of Environmental Education for Sustainable Human Development of Uruguay (RENEA), Montevideo

From 5 to 7 November, a virtual meeting will set up. Experts from all over the region are invited to present their experiences and reflections on Latin American environmental education. Environmental education for sustainable human development implies an ethical, political and social commitment in a given time and space with the formation of a citizenship committed to participating democratically in decision-making and the execution of actions aimed at a socially equitable development, supportive and balanced between human needs and environmental care. In this very special year, environmental educators have faced new challenges and generated new learnings. It is more than ever a good time to meet, this time virtually, to continue the tradition of reflecting and building environmental education together.


California Institute of Environmental Design and Management (CIEDM)

CIEDM will support WEED2020 by participating in the global campaign with following actions:

1. Raise public awareness of WEED2020 by spreading its campaign messages through its social medias, along with those of other environmental awareness events in and around October 14-25, such as Earth Science Week, International Day for Disaster Reduction, and Image a Day without Water;

2. Maintain and enhance through physical works the ecological and environmental services of the homestead pocket forest at Arcadia EcoHome as a registered pollinator site, a certified wildlife habitat, a certified pollinator habitat, and a verified ocean friendly garden.

We invite you to sign our campaign on Change to ask the United Nations, institutions, private and public organizations of five continents, to recognize and celebrate every year, on October 14th, the World Environmental Education Day.

World EE Day, Report 2019

The second edition of the World Environmental Education Day took place from 14 to 26 October 2019,
The Weec Network invited all the stakeholders of the environmental education to join the World Environmental Education Day organising special events to highlight the importance of environmental educational actions all over the world.

The aim of EE Day is to focus on the complexity of the challenges in a world where everything is ever more interconnected. Several associations, environmental education centres, schools and institutions sent us information about their events in 2019. Here we present a selection of interesting case histories.

Les Cayes, Botanical Garden
The event is organized from 27th October to 2nd November 2019 by Les Cayes Botanical Garden. The goal is to promote environmental education across different sector in the country. The theme chosen is “facing to climate change, environmental education is necessary. Which strategies to adopt”. Different activities are preview:
a. October 27: Talk-show on the history of Environmental Education around the world and in Haiti. Opening of the activities of the week.
b. October 28th: presentation of two training sessions on Environmental Education in 2 schools in the area.
c. October 29th, 2.00-5.00pm and October 30th to 31st: Training on Botanic systematic, identification native and endemic plants that could be used in reforestation, agroforestry, revegetation and restoration of ecosystems. After this training participants will have the ability to identify native and endemic plants to be conserved, exotic plants to avoid and invasive plants to eliminate. A certificate will be issued after this training.
d. November 1st: EDU-Tours to allow participants to discover the strategies developed by a community in environmental education.
e. November 2nd: Exposition and others activities based on Environmental Education.

Metropolitan City of Florence, environmental educational laboratory
Trainging meetings for professors and educators. The 2019 training proposal was divided into three meetings scheduled for 27 May, 12 September and 26 October 2019. The meetings are organized by the Environmental Educational Laboratory of the Medici Park of Pratolino with the collaboration of the ‘Italian Sustainable Development Association, the University of Florence and the Unesco Club of Florence. The May meeting was included in the 2019 Sustainable Development Festival and the October meeting is included in the World Environmental Education Week (October 14-26)

Saturday 26 October, program:
– Irene L’Abate and Michela Mayer (LDA and IASS) summary of activities May / September and aims of EAS
– Prof. Giovanna del Gobbo (UNIFI) Educational methods consistent with EAS
– M. Pettenati and I. De Maurissens (researchers) The job for EAS of INDIRE how, why, for whom to document?
– Rossano Ercolini (elementary school teacher, president of the Zero Waste Research Center and the Zero Waste Europe Association) Presentation of the book Zero waste the ten steps to the ecological revolution of the Nobel Award for environment.
– Shared lunch (everyone brings something to share and plate, glass and cutlery strictly Plastic free)
– Michela Mayer and Francesca Farioli (IASS) group work on action research and educational skills
– Irene L’Abate, teachers and operators, document the activities: Sustainable school communities
– Good educational practices illustrated by managers, teachers, educators
– confrontation on the topic Let’s get on the net? hypothesis for the creation of the ECOS network

ITET Fontana, school
On the occasion of the Fair Do the right thing in Trento (Italy), as an EMAS certified school we participate by presenting the path of environmental sustainability that we have been pursuing for more than ten years and which plans to create a network of students and environmental teachers who promote good daily practices. We also investigate all school consumptions, calculate their environmental impact, design solutions to reduce them effectively. We have also developed an environmental calculator for educational visits and the related compensation with the adoption of a forest in Ecuador. We are also EMAS certified and our environmental declaration has won the first national award organized by ISPRA in 2017.
Too bad that, of all this, nobody notices!

The environment house of Bamako
Projection of small scenarios by the NGO AGIR from a notebook with messages. The themes treated for raising the awareness of school children and the public are:  the water,  water-related diseases,  waste, animals, hygiene, trees, pollution, big family, role of the town hall, road traffic, the sport, each sequence will be debated.

Smile-Face Global Peace Initiative
To organize Environmental week program in schools with expert/ environmentalist to talk on protection of our land and the need to engage in activities that promote healthy life and sustainable development.
As parts of the program line up, tree planting in schools to replace the ones uprooted for use as a source of fire for cooking. This will also involve sensitization/ awareness campaign on the need to avoid unhealthy behaviour that is contributing negatively to our environment.
We plan to recruit volunteers to help government, Ethiopian embassy, UN agencies in the implementation of tree planting program in schools, public buildings, Roads, parks etc.

MARE Centre and INIAV, IP
In Portugal the MARE Centre and Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P. (INIAV), in cooperation with Centro de Educação Ambiental – Torres Vedras organized outdoor visits to the sand dune habitats, located at Torres Vedras coastal zone (Portugal).
These visits are part of the EMC2 Project, focused on white crowberry plant – Corema album (L.) D. Don.
In October 2019, 20 pupils of the 3rd grade, and 18 pupils of 5th grade, 5 teachers and 1 researcher participated in outdoor environmental activities that highlighted some aspects of this plant bio-geography and its value as an Iberian endemic plant with white edible small fruits.
(in the picture: activities with children)




Final Report of the World EE Day 2018, see you in 2019

Last days of 2018, this is the time to look back at what has been done, as the first edition of the World Environmental Education Day, held from 14 to 26 October. But it is also the moment to look ahead, and start thinking about the next edition, in October 2019. It is already available the logo of the World EE Day 2019. Schools, parks, environmental education centers, public institutions, associations, museums are invited to join the World Environmental Education Day organising special events to highlight the importance of environemtal educational actions all over the world.

The World EE Day wants to focus on the complexity of the challenges in a world where everything is ever more interconnected.

Ask us the logo and share with us your contents from the World EE Day 2018. Send us reports, photos, videos… and we will share it on the Weec Network.

Several associations, universities, parks and institutions sent us information about their events in 2018. We already presented a selection of interesting case histories in this article.

Now we propose a new group of exemples.
In Izmir, Turkey, the Permaculture Park for young children presents its activities: «Our first aim is to create ‘Permaculture Park’ for young children who are kindergarden students, elementary school students, high school students and disabled students in Izmir, will learn system of agricultural and social design principals and they will practice by gardening, by growing plants in our Permaculture Park. The other aim is to create our own organic compost which includes recycled material including decayed vegetables, fruit, grass clippings and organic waste in Izmir (in Kültürpark, Izmir Fair area). Therefore, we will reduce the rate of trash which goes into landfill area. Next step is to make mulch composting. Finally, we will get on our own organic soil. Then we will organize some workshop activities and invite some people who are interested in permaculture activities. To sum up, we want to give them an opportunity to emphasize the goal of sustainable agriculture and to be environmentally conscious. And every young child or teenager will ‘touch the soil’».

In Iran the UNESCO Chair on Environmental Education presented the ‎“Coordination meeting of specialized workgroups of UNESCO Chair on ‎Environmental Education in Islamic Republic of Iran for establishment of national online environmental education network”‎. UNESCO Chair on Environmental Education in Islamic Republic of Iran seeks to pursue the ‎following objectives through research, educational and cultural approach:‎
– Enhancement of national and international status of environmental education through ‎Communicating between academics, local and civil communities, decision-makers and ‎researchers to create innovative ways of education and sharing information and ‎knowledge regarding Environmental Education, ‎
– Development and promotion of environmental culture
– Enhancement of the public participation in environment protection ‎
– Promotion of environmental literacy in form awareness raising, change of attitude and ‎environmental behaviors of citizens.
– Promotion of Islamic-Iranian approach in the field of environmental education ‎

In October 2018, UNESCO Chair on Environmental Education in Islamic Republic of Iran held ‎several meetings regarding running national online environmental education network with ‎participation of different educational workgroups of the chair such as waste management, ‎climate change, HSEE, carbon management, green business, participatory environmental ‎protection, green management, religions and environmental education, women and ‎environmental education, environmental education through toys and games, energy and ‎environmental education, environmental pollutions, water management, citizenship and ‎environmental education, Startup and innovative ideas regarding environmental education and ‎ecotourism. In these meetings determined all mentioned workgroups should:‎

‎-‎ Identify various audiences, needs and expectations of learners, developing learning ‎goals and objectives, identifying instructional strategies, creating educational contents, ‎implementing and evaluating the impact of their training and educational activities.‎
‎-‎Collaboration with national and international institutions, specialized research and ‎development organizations, NGOs and environmental researchers.‎
‎-‎Publication of scientific articles, books, newsletters and providing electronic content. ‎‎-‎Presentation of educational and research projects based on demand and supply in ‎various environmental topics. ‎
‎-‎Holding lectures, seminars and conferences on environmental education.‎
‎-‎Providing encyclopedia in environmental education
‎-‎Establishment of exhibitions, festivals and environmental events related to the activities ‎of national environmental education network. ‎

The UNESCO Chair on Environmental Education in Iran also held a Specialized Meeting on the role of social networking to improve environmental education ‎regarding green small business, ‎a meeting with ‎the participation and collaboration of members of Amirabad neighborhood sub-council entitled ‎‎“the role of social networking to improve environmental education regarding green small ‎business” in October 2018.‎

At first, the benefits of eco-friendly local businesses were mentioned‏.‏‎ A green small business is ‎one which takes measures to provide family-supporting profits and benefits, also reduce its ‎impact on the environment and preserves or enhances environmental quality. Green businesses ‎may be committed to environmental and social initiatives, such as the use of renewable energy ‎sources and energy-efficiency measures; the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and other ‎environmental pollutants; the conservation of natural resources and energy; reduction of ‎material usage in order to enhance recyclability and reusability through green marketing such ‎as implementing a green supply chain, green products design, packaging, pricing and ‎promotion are benefits to society and the environment.‎
Local homogeneous groups in different areas of green small business were formed in the next ‎step. Their educational needs recognized as follows:‎
‎-‎ Family typology: Psychology topics, needs, etc.‎
‎-‎ Individual resilience: flexibility, compatibility, collaboration, understanding risk, ‎problem solving, etc. ‎
‎-‎ Community resilience: social connectedness for resource exchange, cohesion, response, ‎and recovery, social and economic well-being of the community, effective risk ‎communication, integration and involvement with different entities, etc. ‎
‎-‎ Green marketing: such as green product, green price, eco-labels that has economic ‎impact on local economy with emphasis on low-energy solutions, sustainable products, ‎non-toxic ingredients, low waste (or emissions), chemical free, recycled materials.‎
‎-‎ Specialized training in various fields: organic food, eco-friendly toy seller, ‎organic gift shop, eco-friendly beauty and health productions, financially and ‎ecologically sustainable alternative for waste sorting and reusing, green store, etc. ‎

Finally, UNESCO Chair on Environmental Education in Islamic Republic of Iran ‎announced its readiness to hold a series of training sessions on the above subjects.‎

In Portugal the Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I. P. (INIAV), in cooperation with an Oeiras School organized a visit to the Pecan tree collection – Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh) K. Koch, located at INIAV Campus in Oeiras (Portugal). During the visit 18 pupils of 8th level, 2 teachers and 1 researcher participated in outdoor environmental activities that highlighted some aspects of this plant bio-geography and its value for agriculture as a nut tree.

In Spain the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of A Coruña (Galicia, Spain) was carrying out during this week and on the occasion of the World Day of Environmental Education activities of cleaning and categorization of waste, both inside the Faculty and in the exterior, with the participation of students and teachers.

The Manifesto World Day of Environmental Education was also posted on the Faculty’s website and on the Instagram of the environment, insisting on the need to continue throughout the course developing activities that allow action to make the Faculty and the campus more sustainable.

World EE Day: the first events took place all over the world

Did you enjoy the World Environmental Education Day? What did you organise? Several associations, universities, parks and institutions sent us information about their events. Let’s go to have a look in this first report, and remember that you can still send us your event even after 14th October!

In Italy the Weec Network Permanent Secretariat organised the public speech of Gunter Pauli, during the Innovation and Science Festival held near Turin.

A group of associations and universities (RESS education research and socual studies, CEAS university center for sustainability, GEP group education and peace, GISCEL group action and study linguistic education) organised the seminar “Immigration and climate change: a question to be investigated”. The seminar has been focused on the knowledge of the little known and discussed issue of environmental migrations to try to clarify the connection between environmental factors and social, economic, political, cultural dynamics and highlight the importance of a training commitment in this regard.

The park Parco fluviale Gesso e Stura organised two events.“ Meteorologies for a day”, a scientific educational laboratory for children. What’s the weather going to do tomorrow? Of course, we can not foresee the future but we can learn to understand and measure the “signals” that the natural environment sends us. By constructing particular instruments we can try to become small meteorologists… even just for one day!
“Butterfly effect”Special World Environmental Education Day. Guided tours with the curator at the exhibition “Butterfly effect: different worlds in one life”. From caterpillar to butterfly, from leaves to flowers: the conquest of the wings. Surprising adaptations, strange and complex symbiosis, unexpected curiosities about these small fragments of the landscape: countless pieces of the great puzzle of nature.

Another park, Parco del Serio, organised the “Autumn party at the botanical garden”. Educational workshops dedicated to the discovery of agri-food products.

The environmental organisation Academia Kronos, association specialized in shipments abroad to study the phenomenon of global warming, organised courses on Environmental Education, Environmental Communication, Naturalistic Cinematography, Alternative Energies, Experts on Climate Change.


In Hungary the Hungarian Institute for Educational Research (Founder and network centre of the Hungarian Eco-school Network for 14 years) managed a 4000-member mailing list. In their biweek news, they urged their member schools (more than 1000 schools) to celebrate the EEDay in or around 14th October. And – as member of the Science for Carpathians academic and transdisciplanary network – they also facilitated a workshop on 16th October on the 5th Forum Carpaticum (fc2018.hu) dealing with the possibilities of formal education.

In Spain the academic institution Resclima, in collaboration with A Eira do Ceesg (Working group on Environmental Education of the Professional Association of Social Educators of Galicia) celebrated the World Environmental Education Day with the organization of a “Photocall for Climate Change Education”, in which it has been highlighted the strategic centrality of Environmental Education in mitigation and adaptation policies to face the climate crisis. It took place on October 17th, at the central module of the Faculty of Educational Sciences (South Campus) of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain).

In Greece the Environmental Education Center of Samos in cooperation with 2nd Kissamos Primary School of Chania visited the Elos Lake in the Prefecture of Chania. 46 pupils and 4 teachers participated in outdoor environmental activities.

In Lithuania the Žemaitijos nacionalinis parkas organised two events. A pre-event: laboratory for kids and teenagers in the local library with different indoor and outdoor activities, such as building a small soil model in glass jars, drawing and writing, debating about environment, environmental edication and finding out together daily practises for a “greener” society.
Main event: celebration of the entire anniversary (October 14th-26th) with online quizzes and other enjoyable games for everyone, every day on a different topic related with environmental issues, such as pollution, wastes, energy sources, food production, climate change, ecc.


In Mali the NGO AADECOM  Association of Support to Community Development of Mali, engaged in the development of Mali, contributed to the World EE Day with the following objectives: to promote and support in Mali as well as on the African and even worldwide scale, any initiative aimed at promoting education for sustainable development and international solidarity and contribute to improving the daily life of local populations. Set up awareness-raising, training and support actions for the populations targeted by the two associations. Promote environmental education and local tourism with a focus on youth participation. Promote the green economy through sustainable management of natural resources and an effective fight against global warming. Develop a synergy of action to mobilize resources internally and externally to finance projects to be implemented as part of the implementation of this EDDSI approach.

The African Network for Sustainable Development Education -ANSDE, an environmental organization of the civil society based in Cameroun, that works for the education and information orgnised his work on the streets and markets to sensitize on the use of plastic, showing that plastic waste has colonised our lifes and our marine and its marine animals are in danger because of our manner to live and use plastic waste. «So we have to change our way of living – they explained – if we don’t want to disappear from the earth».

The University of Kinshasa, Department of Environmental Sciences (Democratic Republic of Congo) organized a special event for 2000 students comprising a sanitation sensitization day for youth in the secondary school Mont Amba and also for students of other departments of the university. An accent will be on plastic waste collection since it is valorized by the department in making cobblestone from the mixture Plastic-Sand. The day ended with a conference on “Benefits of Environmental education in the development of developing nations”.

The World EE Day was also an opportunity to give space to dreams and individual projects like that of Hicham Filalizehri, from Morocco that wants to share his dream «to create an environmental library in a rural natural area in Morocco».


Two proposals from Canada.

The Manitoba Museum, Museum or Informal Educational Center (Canada) explained that we use energy in almost every aspect of our lives, and finding sustainable sources of energy is the key to affecting climate change. At the Green Science workshop, visitors could do hands-on experiments and learn all about different forms of alternative energy including… Hydroelectricity! «Come harness the power of moving water to turn on light bulbs with our Water Wheel activity. See how certain types of light bulbs use up more energy than others and learn more about the energy that powers most of Manitoba».
Hydrogen gas! It’s been called the energy of the future – and it’s so easy to make, you can even do it at home! Feel the energy from just a small amount of hydrogen gas created right in front of your eyes, and make a “hydrogen generator” that you can take home with you!
Solar Power! Who says gathering energy can’t be fun? Grab a magnifying glass and focus some light energy on to solar panels on top of toy cars, planes, boats and…. grasshoppers!? Read about some myths and misconceptions regarding solar energy and find out about Earth’s energy budget

The environmental organisation Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society/Mossom Creek Hatchery proposed the Salmon Sunday (October 21st). Deep in the forest on the north shore of Port Moody, the Mossom Creek Hatchery and Education Centre is open to the public between 11 am and 1:30 pm. Visitors can check out the nature education centre displays, explore short trails along the creek and through the forest and can chat with dedicated volunteers who are committed to sharing nature with the community. A variety of very popular school field trip programs are available and Salmon Sunday is a great time for teachers to find out more about what is on offer.


The environmental associazion AAEE Queensland Chapter invited members across Queensland to celebrate World Environmental Education Day by joining with their communities to take a Nature Walk and enjoy casual conversations in their local environment. This is aimed as a low-key way to reconnect with EE colleagues and the community in a relaxed, family-friendly social activity.


In Iran the Farzanegan highschool went to park and by playing theatres about global warming and it’s effects, try about public advocacy trough out art. «Also we have drawing and painting on the as long as 50 m paints in the park about climate change and global warming, the 14th October».

In Vietnam on 21 October 2018, Gaia Nature Conservation organised a fieldtrip for approximately 400 students aged from 12-14 years old to experience the nature and to learn about wildlife.

Other report are coming and publishing soon.

World Environmental Education Day 2022. Fill the form

From 10 to 25 October schools, parks, environmental education centers, public institutions, associations, museums are invited to join the World Environmental Education Day. How? Organising special events to highlight the importance of environmental educational actions all over the world.

[contact-form-7 id=”2209″ title=”Environmental Education Day 2022″]

Do you want to subscribe to the Charter of Principles of the World Environmental Education Congress? Go to this page

World EE Day, ask us the official logo

Are you ready for the World EE Day? From 14 to 26 October schools, parks, environmental education centers, public institutions, associations, museums are invited to join the World Environmental Education Day organising special events to highlight the importance of environemtal educational actions all over the world.

The World EE Day wants to focus on the complexity of the challenges in a world where everything is ever more interconnected.

If you need a more environmental friendly world, more livable and more equitable join the EE Day. If you are planning an event between14 to 26 October (or around those days)  ask us the official logo of the World EE Day (using this mail: secretariat@weecnetwork.org). We will share your events on our channels to create a real and useful network.

Please remember to read the appeal and support the campaign on change.org

World Environmental Education Day

Make the difference. The World Environmental Education Day is celebrated on 14 October. From 14 to 26 October each year, schools, parks, environmental education centers, public institutions, associations, museums … aim to organise special events to highlight the importance of developing educational action to build transversal skills. To focus on the complexity of the challenges in a world where everything is ever more interconnected. To affect perception of the human relationship with the environment, to affect attitudes and therefore individual and collective behaviors. To make people awaring protagonists of a change towards more environmental friendly, more livable and more equitable societies.
On October 14, 1977, the United Nations Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education, organized by UNESCO and UNEP, opened in Tbilisi (Georgia’s capital), which ended on October 26 with a statement of great relevance, still today.

The Coordination of the World EE Day is taken care by the world-wide network of environmental educators who, each two years, give life to the main congress in that field (the WEEC, World Environmental Education Congress).

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