Call for abstracts for 9th Weec

7th WEEC, Marrakech (Morocco) Registration desk

7th WEEC, Marrakech (Morocco) Registration desk

The 9th WEEC (World Environmental Education Congress) will be held in Vancouver, Canada, September 9-15, 2017. The title of the Congress is CulturEnvironment: Weaving new connections. The Organizing Committee for the congress is BC’s Institute for Environmental Learning (IEL) in cooperation with the WEEC Permanent Secretariat.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 31st, 2017.

The organizing committee in 2017 will embrace different approaches in both the conceptualization and implementation of EE worldwide.
The theme Culture/Environment focuses on the multidisciplinarity nature of the congress and a developing view that Culture and Environment are inseperable and may even arise from within each other. Such a theme of environmentalism underscores a need to abandon notions that everything is measurable or under human control. The real paradigm of environmental thinking is uncertainty in the ways forward vs. the idea that ‘progress’ is unavoidable. Cultural change is also the necessary condition/requirement to rebuild and reinvent our relation with nature and live sustainably. Therefore, with this call for papers we promote NETWORK/ACTION/COALITION.
WEEC 2017 (Vancouver) will be a congress of Cutural and Environmental mobilization.

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