9WEEC, Call for volunteers

8WEEC Volunteers, photos by Saman Nazari
The Local Organizing Committee of the 9th WEEC 2017 is calling for volunteers to assist and participate during the Congress.
This is a unique opportunity to make a contribution to the community, meet like-minded people as well as the leading experts environmental education.
If you are interested in volunteering at this prestigious Congress, please complete the application questions. Upon confirmation of your availability, you will be provided with a volunteer training manual. To learn more about the roles and how to apply please visit here.
Why should you volunteer? Because ii it a unique opportunity to make a contribution to the community and get an insider’s view on being part of an event.
In return for volunteer services WEEC 2017 gladly offers the following benefits: complimentary beverage during volunteer shifts, complimentary Congress registration after completion of 12 hours of volunteering, a Certificate of Participation.
Volunteer roles include: preparation of Congress Bags, greeter/host for Congress venue, directional assistance at the Congress Venue, session room/speaker podium assistant, registration desk representative, exhibit area and poster session representative.
You are required to commit to a total of 12 hours of volunteering, agree to wear black shoes, pants/skirt and a volunteer T-Shirt (Shirt provided by the Congress), speak fluently in English.
Thank you for your support!
i wish to become a volunteer