9th WEEC, My Experience
The Young Reporters for Environment, from the Izmir Saint-Joseph Fernch High School (Turkey) attended the 9th WEEC in Vancouver (Canada) and now they present their experience.
This event is my most beautiful international experience. Conference was really good and I’m very proud of being one of the numbered young reporters. The conference went well and in the presentation moment we were in the focal point. Everybody liked our project and they supported us because everybody wants the youth understand the importance and work for environmental problems. And also everybody liked YRE and when we said there are more than 250.000 youngster like us in the 35 countries, all of our listeners were full of hope for the future of our world and they were pleased. After the presentation I met with lots of important lecturers, professors and nature scientist. Some ecological educators have very important projects for their countries.
One of the most important lecturer invited us for a conference in Australia. She is the team leader for cleaning the most polluted area in Australia. I saw that every person in conference from any age from anywhere is curious about environmental problems, they do research and write some articles. That made me happy. The feeling of made our families proud, representing our school and our country is the most honorable thing in my life. I know that the future is on our hands. And if we behave responsibly to protect the environment and work for sustainable living conditions the world can be a better place to live.
From Izmir Saint-Joseph Fernch High School /TURKEY
#WEEC2017 #proudmomseries @efe_ok @izmirbld #youngreportersofenvironment pic.twitter.com/VpzRvJzG0x
— Ece Sueren OK (@ecesuerenok) 14 settembre 2017
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Le concept de jeunes reporters est une approche à dupliquer dans d’autres pays, en l’occurrence le Cameroun.
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