RESCLIMA international seminar: Education for climate change

The 4th RESCLIMA international seminar: Education for climate change in the educational system and the 2nd meeting of the Rede internaional de pesquisadores em educação ambiental e justiça climática (REAJA) will take place in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) on October 26 and 27, 2018.

The registration period is open, as well as for the submission of proposals to present communications and posters, whose deadline is the next March 15.

The climate change is the big challenge of the XXI century. Urge to be aware of human vulnerability this threat, as well as accepting the biggest responsibility of the companies that most contributed emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG), which contrasts with the lower capacity of the answer to the effects of an out-of-control climate. Alarms in the scientific community warn that we have little time to react. In a few years there will have to be a major social, economic and energy transformation to avoid the collapse of civilization as we know it.
At this crossroads, the slowness of climate policies are surprising. Climate changes occupy a marginal place in the public area and are far from being a priority issue for decision-makers or the general population.
The fundamental objective of educational and communication programs in the next decade should be to convert the climate changes into a relevant and significant problem.

The RESCLIMA project addresses the relationship between science and popular culture in social representations of climate change: contributions to education and communication on climate risks. It explores the complex logic involved in the construction of popular knowledge and the role that scientific culture plays in popular thinking on climate change. RESCLIMA responds to the need for greater understanding of the ‘social factor’ in climate change, to better inform the design of policies, programmes and educational/communicational resources regarding general and specific socio-environmental issues. This web site is designed to facilitate public interface with the project, to make known its most prominent results from the very earliest phases, and to generate multi-directional information pathways with other researchers and with society in general.

Read the program in Spanish

Read the program in Portuguese

4 replies
  1. TLTurnerGroup
    TLTurnerGroup says:

    Wouldn”t it be more accurate and certainly more useful to say weather variation rather than climate variation? After all, that”s what it really is. The climate isn”t changing. Many parts of the world are subject to very large weather differences in March from one year to the next. And it”s the same for any other month from year to year. Climate change is nowhere in evidence and neither is climate variation. We”ve let them get away with confusing the issue long enough. However bad it is, the NE U.S. is not having any variation of climate but they are being beaten up by unexpectedly severe weather. It should take many years, decades of the same consistent thing to convince anyone that the climate has changed. We”re too easily spooked into fearing something that as of right now, has no evidence to support it. 2 0

  2. Dr. Jaya Krushna Panigrahi
    Dr. Jaya Krushna Panigrahi says:

    It will be a pleasure on my part to attend the seminar. However, I need your kind support in the matter. I have been teaching Environmental Science, including climate change, for over three decades. I am also functioning as the Secretary of the Orissa Environmental Society, a premier organization of Odisha State, India working for the protection of the environment since 1982. Earlier, I have visited Germany and USA on academic programmes receiving funding from the host countries. Can you kindly inform me if I can deliver an oral presentation and also receive financial support for attending the seminar? Waiting for your kind reply.

  3. Manguele Daniel
    Manguele Daniel says:

    Les changements climatiques et la protection de l’environnement sont désormais les préoccupations de tous les instants de la communauté internationale, du Cameroun en particulier. Au Cameroun justement, les cours d’eau, les cours d’écoles, les places de marché et autres places publiques sont infestés de déchets plastiques en tout genre. Malgré l’engagement pris par le Cameroun lors de la signature de l’accord de Paris en 2015, malgré l’arrêté du ministère de l’environnement , de la protection de l’environnement et du développement durable interdisant depuis avril 2014 l’utilisation des plastiques de moins de 60 microns, rien n’ a changé au Cameroun. Aussi le réseau africain pour l’éducation au développement durable -RAEDD- dont je suis le secrétaire général a-t-il pris sur lui d’organiser des séminaires de formation en direction des enseignants afin que ceux-ci soient outillés sur ces thématiques et y forment leurs apprenants à leur tour.

  4. Hasmik Poghosyan
    Hasmik Poghosyan says:

    I am Hasmik Poghosyan, working in the Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenian Republic.I would like to participate Education for climate change in the educational system 12-ND meeting as I am a senior specialist of the Ecological education division of the Ministry.
    Thank you in advance
    MRS Hasmik Poghosyan

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