Campus, casa, cidade: laboratories of change

The University of Coruña and Alcoa foundation organise the Educating for Sustainability Course, under the title Campus, casa, cidade: laboratorios do cambio.

This project has the objective to advance a community and university formation, share basic concepts of environmental and social sustainability and develop a capacity to act on priority issues.
The program includes lectures, theoretical-practical training sessions, field work and monitored and autonomous field works. It combines individual and group work, in the use of apartment, at the campus or at the campus as places of study and experimentation.
With a calendar distributed from March to June, you can choose the topic, place and time of your participation.

Contamination, waste, climate change, resources, health … activities include the calculation of the ecological footprint, the water footprint, noise maps and water consumption, audits of water and energy consumption in the home, and all through the Use of ICTs as tools for participatory georeferencing and networking

Read the program here

Mario Salomone, Secretery General of the  WEEC (World Environmental Education Congress) will be present with a conference on March 13th, h 17:00, Faculty of Educational Science, with a speech focus on the education for sustainability.


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