Two postdoctoral position in Sweden

The first one is for a Postdoctoral researcher in sociology with focus on International expert organisations: the School of Humanities, Educational and Social Sciences is seeking a postdoctoral researcher in sociology for a fixed-term appointment.
Eligible for the appointment as postdoctoral researcher are applicants holding a doctoral degree in sociology or in related subject areas. The doctoral degree should have been awarded no more than three years prior to the application deadline. Candidates who have obtained their doctoral degree prior to that may however also be considered if special grounds exist (leave of absence due to illness, parental leave, clinical duties, an elected position in a trade union, or other similar circumstances).
The application deadline is 15 March 2019

For information and application use this link

The second position is Postdoctoral researcher in sociology with focus on Environmental expertise. The subject area of the position is sociology with a focus on international environmental governance. The work will form part of a research project on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary challenges for the intergovernmental expert organization IPBES, which synthesizes and assesses knowledge about biodiversity and ecosystem services. The project is part of the research conducted by the Environmental sociology group. For further information about this group, please visit its website.