11th WEEC: Not sure about COVID and travel? Join us in building bridges online
The 11th WEEC, as the first in its history, is applying the hybrid conference format. As a result, participants may choose between online and onsite participation. In light of the changing pandemic situation, participants may register either online or onsite and switch between these modes until the end of December 2021.
What does online participation look like?
As an online participant
⦁ You can actively participate by submitting your presentation or participating without a presentation
⦁ You can choose whether to introduce your presentation in one of the virtual rooms in real-time and get immediate feedback or just upload it on the virtual platform and discuss it on the discussion forum
⦁ You will have access to the virtual platform with all of the ongoing online presentations and workshops, streamed onsite plenary sessions, and recordings of the parallel sessions (both online and onsite)
⦁ You can discuss selected topics with all of the WEEC participants
⦁ You can access the virtual platform up to one year after the closing of WEEC
The online presentation is reasonable if you want to be a part of WEEC but cannot come to Prague. Let’s join online!
Any questions about the online WEEC?
Contact Jan at cincera@mail.muni.cz
Abstract submissions close: 30th November
Due to the covid’s situation, this time WEEC gives you the chance to choose between online and onsite participation