Abstract Submission Deadline postponed to Septemebr 15, 2023

The deadline for the abstract submission of the 12th World Enviromental Education Congress has been postponed by the Socio – Scientific Committee to September 15, 2023!
The decision to extend the Call for Abstract for 2 extra weeks has been taken by the Committees after receiving a great amount of abstracts from all over the world; witnessing the great response from EE experts and people interested in taking part in the WEEC Congress, the SSC agreed to give more time to new potential abstract submitters in order to increase the participation at the Congress and make it an even more incredible and meaningful experience as it already promises to be.
Send your abstract today! If approved, your work will be presented and discussed during the sessions of WEEC 2024 in Abu Dhabi, together with all the other works submitted by attendees from all over the world.
One of the 10 themes must be the central argument of your abstract, in order to spark discussion on the role of EE today and in the challenges of the future.
Your work can be submitted as an oral presentation, as a poster or Pecha Kucha format, or can be structured as a more interactive workshop experience or a round table discussion.