Call for paper and session proposals – Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene Symposium, 24-25 April 2017, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
The two days event will be held 24-25 April 2017, at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA The symposium does not require a registration fee. It is envisioned that papers will lead to special issues of journals and edited volumes.
• To submit a paper proposal, send a 300-word abstract, a short biographical note, and full contact information.
• To submit a session (panel/roundtable) proposal please provide a 300- word session abstract as well as abstracts from and information about each presenter. Panels are expected to include 3-4 presenters and roundtables 4-5 presenters.
• Deadline for both is November 1st, 2016.
• For further information and to submit a proposal please send a message to
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