CALL: Environmental Education experiences at the time of COVID-19

As educators and environmental educators of the WEEC Network, having overcome these difficult months of lockdown, we feel more than ever the importance of dedicating a focus to teaching methodologies.

For this reason, we are launching a call addressed to all educators and environmental educators: we are looking for testimonials and stories on how the way of working and doing environmental education has changed and what strategies and tools have worked in this period.

Send us your testimony by August 31!

The objective is to activate a comparison on the good practices that emerged, on the methodologies adopted and on the feedback obtained. The testimonies and experiences collected will be shared in the next events of the WEEC Network 2020.

In environmental education, the relationship with nature and outdoor activities are fundamental. How to respond to the paradox that in recent months it has been necessary to do environmental education through a screen at home? Was the opportunity also taken for education in a new and truly interactive use of new technologies? And how can the relationship with nature “at a distance” be maintained?

FILL THE SURVEY: Call EA and covid-19