10th WEEC

Bangkok, Thailand
3 – 7 November 2019
Local Global Connectivity

LOCAL ORGANISERS Faculty of Environment, Kasetsart University, Thailand Global Warming Academy under the patronage of Nabhamitra Foundations

THEME Local Knowledge, Communication and Global Connectivity

Over 1.800 attendees representing almost 70 countries of five continents

The Theme

On the one hand, local knowledge (based on direct relationship with places, experience, heritage from generation to generation) offers contextualized solutions, technologies appropriate to a diversity of situations, sense of belonging, emotional involvement, participation opportunities and concrete action.
On the other hand, humans are linked by a common destiny: they are now connected by thousands of powerful channels of communication and are mutually interconnected by the effects of everything happening on the globe. Continuous exchanges of materials and information are the hallmark of the phase that humanity has come to. Today more than ever, the classic statement of environmental thought that every local thing is global and vice versa is true.

Environmental education allows individuals to explore environmental issues, to raise their awareness and to be responsible for environmental care in their society. In addition, people will be able to share their knowledge and academic experiences with others. As a result, the exchange or the reciprocal knowledge will bring solutions concerning global change and climate change for the present and future.


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