Tag Archive for: 9WEEC

SDG Accord Report 2019: Progress towards the Global Goals in the Universities and Colleges

The Annual SDG Accord Report 2019, titled Progress towards the Global Goals in the University and College sector was launched some days ago in New York at the UN High Level Political Forum. The SDG Accord – says Iain Patton CEO, EAUC-The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education – is a high profile international initiative that the Global Alliance developed to allow the tertiary education sector to demonstrate its commitment to playing its part in meeting the SDGs, and sharing best practice. This is a partnership initiative, endorsed by the UN’s HESI and many other global partners. It was launched in 2017, at 9WEEC in Canada, and it currently has official commitment to its tenets from 110 institutions, 103 support organisations and 817 individuals – all spread across 85 countries.

from the left: Iain Patton EAUC-The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education and Mario Salomone WEEC Secretary General at 9WEEC Vancouver (Canada) 2017

The SDG Accord provides a platform to come together in a movement, to inspire, celebrate and advance the critical role that education has in delivering the SDGs, and presents this in a coherent Annual Report for use by the UN, governments, business and wider society. While the sustainability journey of each institution will reflect its unique context, it is clear that connecting them together through the SDG Accord offers the opportunity for scaling of impact. Signatories of the SDG Accord commit to embedding the SDGs into their education, research, leadership, operations, administration and engagement activities.

«The SDG Accord brings institutions together, giving them a platform to share best practice and empowers them to be more aspirational on this agenda – says Sam Barratt Chief, Education and Youth for UN Environment and Chair of the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative – . The report shows that acting on climate change and education are the stand-out priorities, but positive action is being taken on all of the SDGs with real change taking place, just one year on since the last report. As ever, there is always more to do and certainly the UN and partners in the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative will look at the recommendations outlined in this report which will inform our thinking for the months ahead. We look forward to seeing institutions tackle these global challenges with the fierce determination and smart innovation of which they are so capable, with our door wide open to help in any way that we can».

Here you can read the Accord, full text  

The Accord can be signed on four levels.

  1. Leaders of institutions sign to make a corporate commitment – this must be the highest authority such as Vice Chancellor, Principal, President etc.
  2. Leaders of related university and college support organisations sign to make a corporate commitment to supporting the sector
  3. Leaders of student associations ie Students’ Unions or Student Guilds – this must be the president.
  4. Individual students, researchers, academics and operational staff can sign to make a personal and professional commitment to playing their part in advancing sector performance

Sign up here


Video: Souvenir of 9WEEC 2017

Take a look of our last edition, 9WEEC in Vancouver (Canada) and remember to register yourself to the next WEEC Congress.
We look forward to meeting you in Bangkok (Tahiland) for the 10WEEC.

9th WEEC, the abstract book is now available for free

The 9weec_Abstract_ Book presents the contents of the World Environmental Education Congress held in Vancouver (Canada) in September 2017.
A total of 736 abstracts were submitted to the abstract submission system in English, French and Spanish.
Abstracts were submitted in 1 of 14 following strands. Early Childhood Education and EE; Place-based Education and Local Outdoor Learning; Architecture and Green Design; Arts Based Approaches in EE; Agriculture and Garden-Based Learning; Global and Cultural Diversity in EE; Urban Eco-systems;  Environmental Communication (and Uncertainty); Indigenous Knowledge and EE; Ethics Lead Learning and Sustainability; Social Responsibility and Agency/Activism; Nature as Teacher / Nature as Researcher; Global Policy and Environmental Education; Perspectives, Challenges and Innovation in Research.
The congress allowed up to 14 parallel sessions as the Local Organizing Committee envisioned a room/home dedicated for each of the 14 strands. The majority of presentations was allocated to interactive poster sessions and discouraged the traditional PowerPoint presentations.
One of the goals of the congress was to encourage as much interaction and discussion amongst the delegates as possible and move away from the hierarchical oral presentations.
Upon review by the Local Organizing Committee as well as the Socio-Scientific Committee, there were a total of 259 interactive poster presentations, 26 novel format presentations, 43 paper presentations, 152 roundtable presentations, and 2 symposia confirmed for the congress.

64 countries were represented at WEEC 2017.

Download the 9weec_Abstract_ Book



Early Childhood Education and EE
Place-based Education and Local Outdoor Learning
Architecture and Green Design
Arts Based Approaches in EE
Agriculture and Garden-Based Learning
Global and Cultural Diversity in EE
Urban Eco-systems
Environmental Communication (and Uncertainty)
Indigenous Knowledge and EE
Ethics Lead Learning and Sustainability
Social Responsibility and Agency/Activism
Nature as Teacher / Nature as Researcher
Global Policy and Environmental Education
Perspectives, Challenges and Innovation in Research

NOTE: This above list separates what is inseparable and the congress themes need to be considered as interconnected. Wherever possible, abstracts (300 words or less) should aim to create links among the selected strands. Proposals can also be directed towards an teacher/educator or researcher audience (or both) and formats will be announced after review. The submission site is now ready to receive your proposals. To begin go to weec2017.org and click on “submit abstract” under the program menu. You will be prompted to register for the site and submit your abstracts.

descargar el pdf en español aquí

fazer o download do pdf em Português



The WEEC Permament Secretariat is honored to welcome the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia, Gigla Augulashvili, at the 9th World Environmental Education Congress to be held on September 9-15, 2017, in Vancouver, BC,Canada.

The next congress – Culturenvironment: Weaving new connectionswill be the occasion to celebrate the 40th anniversary of 1977 Tbilisi Declaration, which is a significant platform of global educational efforts towards a sustainable world.

For more information please visit the official website here.