The Manifesto for Environmental Education in Europe

Support the manifesto for EESD in Europe!

­­Environmental education towards sustainable development (EESD) is a necessity. There’s a wide acknowledgement about that on several European and International papers. Recently, the Paris Agreement resulting from the CoP21 dedicates its conclusions on the World Wide View global debate, which involved 10,000 people from 76 countries and places education at the first level action against the climate challenge!

The Manifesto Educate towards environment and sustainable development, at which contributed more than 150 participants, associations and institutions involved in EESD from different European countries, assumes that the commitments made by Member States, as well as by the European Union, are still not enough significant.

In order to realize an ambitious EESD in Europe, the Manifesto brings together 20 proposals that seek school sector, non-formal education, higher education, the labor sector, professionalism and evaluation of the EESD, and finally, an effective integration of EESD in the heart of European policies.

The Manifesto is destined to MEPs, to the European Commission, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of Regions and all citizens.

To maximize its reach, we invite you to support this Manifesto, through your organization and individually, and to spread it widely into your networks.

Read the Manifesto!

We thank you in advance.

Thank you to the participants of the European Days which have took part in discussions and writing of the Manifesto!

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