Tag Archive for: 11WEEC

Prague: flying to a more sustainable airport

Prague Airport welcomes WEEC delegates with major improvements in terms of sustainability.
Together with other airports, airlines and aircraft manufacturers, the airport has committed itself to reducing the environmental impact of aviation in the pan-European Destination 2050 initiative and introduced a commitment to reach carbon neutrality on all flights across Europe and beyond by 2050.

Airlines are phasing out older aircraft and replacing them with new, much greener and more environmentally friendly models. In about the next ten years, Prague Airport plans to execute several long-term development and sustainable projects, which include, for example, the expansion of the Terminal 2 building. In the preparatory phase of the terminal capacity increase project, very close coordination with Správa železnic (The Railway Administration) is pursued regarding a train connection to Václav Havel Airport Prague. The goal is to provide a more environmentally-friendly and more convenient way of transport to the airport” Vaclav Rehor, Chairman of the Prague Airport Board of Directors, said.

Terminal capacities will also be expanded in a sustainable way. The intention is to minimise the overall impact of the construction on the environment, for example by using recycled materials, retaining and subsequently using rainwater, etc. Another goal is to ensure a quality indoor and outdoor environment for users, reduce the use of non-renewable natural energy sources for the implementation and operation of the building and, in terms of energy concept, strive for the building maximum energy self-sufficiency. “During the next development stages of the building design, we will reduce the energy, water and material consumption requirements. Wherever possible, we will look to generate these sources locally. Similarly, we will promote the use, for example, of renewable solar energy, heat pumps and other sources with minimal environmental impact,” Soňa Hykyšová, Prague Airport Environmental Protection Director, added.

Prague Airport also supports environmental protection projects in the surrounding municipalities and city districts. Since 2004, over 380 million crowns were invested in environmental projects under the “Living in Harmony” grant programme.

Examples of Prague Airport “Green” Achievements:
-Long-term reduction of CO2 emissions
– Since 2019, 100% green electricity.
– Biomonitoring (using bees, fruit and crop). Honey produced by airport bees has an excellent quality. It has won the Gold Medal in the Czech Honey contest for the seventh time in a row.
– Taking care of over 3,000 mature trees and shrubs and of about 580 hectares of grassed areas. In terms of species, there are 42 species of woody plants.
– Since 2012, replacing conventional light sources with LED lights. The 2020 electricity cost savings exceeded seven million Czech crowns.
– Limiting the use of disposable plastics.

Building bridges for all: Jan Cincera and Mario Salomone present the 11 WEEC 2022

We are glad to invite you to the 11th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) in Prague, Czech Republic.

The 11th WEEC is about building bridges: between different approaches to environmental education and education for sustainable development, across international boundaries, between formal, nonformal, informal, and community education, and between researchers and practitioners around the world.

Here, Jan Cincera from Masaryk University and Mario Salomone, WEEC Secretary General present the next Congress!

The 11th WEEC is organized by Masaryk University (Czech Republic), AIM Group International, and WEEC Network, in cooperation with Charles University, Ministry of the Environment (Czech Republic) and by more than 20 Czech organizations and more than 60 researchers, practitioners, or institutions worldwide.

We remind you that abstract submission close 31 August 2021.

Follow us on Facebook for all updates.

11th WEEC 2022: Panel Sessions

The main theme at 11th WEEC in Prague is “Building bridges in times of climate urgency”. The Congress will help building bridges for all: between different approaches to Environmental Education and education for sustainable development across international boundaries.

During the Congress, you will have the opportunity to face this theme by 14 sub-themes:

  1. Action Competence and key competences for sustainability
  2. Arts, ethics and EE
  3. Business Sector and EE
  4. Climate Change Education
  5. Early Childhood Education: The Foundation of ESD
  6. Education for Environmental Citizenship
  7. EE in Non-Formal Settings
  8. EE in the Anthropocene
  9. Outdoor EE: Bridging Nature Experiences with School and Home
  10. Place-based Education (PBE)
  11. Sustainable Universities
  12. Transformative, Transgressive learning in communities
  13. Whole School Approaches to Environmental and Sustainability Education
  14. Water for life

To discover more about them, click here

If you want to receive all the updates, subscribe to our newsletter and follow the event page on Facebook.

Discover all the proposals for a field session

At the field sessions – ten sessions, organized by nine Czech environmental education centers – as a participant, you may engage in sharing your experience about environmental education in contemporary zoological gardens, discuss the challenges of inquiry-based learning programs and you may enjoy discussions in smaller groups of people of the same interest in non-formal settings and find new partners for your future projects

4 field sessions will take place in Prague, 6 in the environmental education centers out of Prague, which also offers great opportunity to explore the host country.
5 field sessions include overnight followed by a trip with local environmental educators. Participants thus will have opportunity to explore landscapes, landmarks and tastes of Bohemian Paradise, Moravian karst, Krkonoše mountains, Brno and Bohemian – Moravian highland.

Let’s have a look!

Participative approaches in environmental education at schools
What are the benefits of emancipatory, participative approaches in EE? And what happens if you introduce highly participatory program such as Eco-Schools to a school system which is instrumental at its core? We will be discussing how we can promote participative learning in traditional schooling settings, the culture clashes we can expect and possible outcomes we can get in the long run.
Contributions: 10 – 30 minutes contributions on research and good practice regarding instrumental vs. emancipatory approaches in education, involving participants in a programme, enabling students to play active and influential role in shaping environmental education.

Organizing institution: TEREZA educational centre, one of the oldest environmental education NGOs in the Czech Republic. Current focus of the institution is on coordination and development of long-term programmes for schools: Eco-Schools, GLOBE, Learning about Forest (LEAF) and Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE). TEREZA also promotes outdoor learning, both towards teachers and parents. TEREZA is the Czech representative at the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and hosts the GLOBE Program Region Coordination Office for Europe and Eurasia.

Schools as enviromental campaigners
When teachers and pupils really get and believe environmental message, they often become agents of change. From identifying and solving local environmental issues to bringing attention and discussing the global ones, schools can reach and educate the whole communities. How can we help them develop their most active roles?
Contributions: 10 – 30 minutes contributions on schools as centres of local environmental campaigns and agents of global ones. Roles of different stakeholders, legal issues, curricular links. Both research and good practice are welcomed. It is organised by TEREZA.

Animal farming in environmental education and animal welfare concerns
We will be discussing, what is the effect of direct contact of children with animals. Does livestock has a role in environmental education and what are relevant animal welfare concerns? How to develop programmes that include domestic animals?
Contributions: 15 – 30 minutes contributions on research and good practice in connecting children with farming and livestock. Environmental education effects and concerns regarding animal welfare during these activities will be discussed.
Organizing institution: Toulcův dvůr, environmental education centre. It is the largest environmental education centre in Prague. It is located in a farm estate that dates back to 1362 and includes farmland with livestock, orchard and several natural habitats on the 10 ha estate. Four NGOs provide wide range of environmental education activities including programmes for schools, past-time clubs for children and parents, nature kindergarten and teachers’ training.

Folk traditions and traditional crafts in environmental education
Traditional crafts are popular topic of environmental education programmes in countries like the Czech Republic. During this field session we will be discussing why is that, what is the contribution of traditions to environmental education – is it just dreaming about unreal past or a cornerstone of the sustainable future? Do traditional crafts programmes represent opposition to 21st century technologies and why do we cherish them?
Contributions: 15 – 30 minutes contributions on the topic of traditional crafts and folk traditions in environmental education. Both research and good practice are welcomed.
It i orgnised by Toulcův dvůr, environmental education centre

Learning by Nature
The field session will be looking at outdoors as a way to understanding, perception and appraisal of the environment. In particular we will explore different aspects of outdoor education within formal environmental education and methodology for outdoor education.
Social dimension: participants will be staying overnight and socializing at Jezírko residential centre located near Brno. Visit to Brno historical centre is planned for Friday morning.
Contributions: 15 – 30 minutes contributions on research and good practice in the wide topic of environmental education at schools in outdoor settings.
Organizing institution: Lipka, environmental education centre. Lipka is one of the largest environmental education institutions in the Czech Republic. It runs 5 facilities providing one-day programmes, residential courses and adult education. Its clients range from pre-schoolers to high-school teachers, professionals as well as general public. Summer camps and non-formal education clubs are important part of Lipka’s scope of activities.

Alienation from nature
The field session will be looking at forms of children alienation from nature and its consequences for education. Particular attention will be paid to the role of environmental education programmes with ambition to mitigate the process.
Social dimension: Participants socializing in the unique environment of a fully equipped outdoor camp and staying overnight in bungalows. Guided tour through the famous gorges and rock sculptures of the Bohemian Paradise will take place on Friday morning.
Contributions: 15 – 30 minutes contributions on research and good practice in the wide topic of alienation from nature.
Organizing institutions: STŘEVLIK and SEDMIHORKY.  STŘEVLIK is the environmental education centre of the Liberec regional government. The field session is held in cooperation with the Centre of environmental education Sedmihorky, which is located in the heart of the Bohemian Paradise Protected Landscape Area. Both partners run a variety of residential environmental education programs aimed at appreciation of the natural environment and targeting alienation from nature.

Nature and Community as the Best Classrooms – Place-based learning and service learning as a tool for responsible environmental behaviour
We will jointly discuss and share practice in place-based learning and service learning as tools for responsible environmental behaviour. Expect case studies from the local landscape – Czech oldest national park Krkonoše.
Contributions: 15 – 20 minutes contributions on research and examples of good practice on principles and methodologies of place-based learning and its benefits for sustainability education.
Social dimension: Participants will be staying overnight in a former parish house from late 16th century that belongs to the centre. Hiking to special places of the Czech-Polish Krkonoše mountains national park is planned for Friday. It will be offered in options adapted to weather, interests and physical abilities of participants.
Organizing institution: SEVER – The Rýchory Centre of Environmental Education and Ethics. SEVER operates 3 facilities in the northern part of Bohemia. The centre in Horní Maršov organizes both one-day and residential programmes for primary and secondary schools using the local landscape of the Krkonoše mountains that underwent significant changes in 20th century. SEVER also offers wide range of courses, seminars, consultations for educators and is one of the most prolific Czech EE organisations regarding international cooperation.

EE in modern ZOO
The field session will be looking at the role of ZOOs in environmental education. Is this a contradiction in terms, or do zoos provide excellent setting for environmental programmes due to their role in conservation of endangered species? Join us for the discussion and local case studies.
Contributions: 15 – 30 minutes contributions on research and good practice on the role of ZOOs in environmental education.
Organizing institution: DIVIZNA. It is a municipal environmental education centre in Liberec that operates along with a ZOO. The centre offers educational programmes for all types of schools, supports teachers in their environmental education effort and coordinates several programmes at regional level.

School gardens and school forests
Being introduced to curricula of many European countries in 19th century, the school gardens were considered important outdoor laboratories introducing children to biology, agriculture and working skills. During the workshop we will be discussing rejuvenation of school gardens and their role in environmental education today. The local case study, will also look at schools taking care of forests.
Contributions: 15 – 30 minutes contributions on research and good practice in the field of schools gardens or similar incorporation of long-term land management into curricula.
Social dimension: participants will be staying overnight in a former forestry lodge dating back to 18th century. Visit do Telč UNESCO heritage town is planned for Friday morning on the way back to Prague.
Organizing institution: Chaloupky. It is one of the oldest residential environmental education centres in the Czech Republic. Today it operates 7 facilities across the Vysočina region – picturesque highland landscape in the centre of the country. The centre provides environmental education programmes for all ages, supports teachers both at regional and national level, pioneers garden therapy and is also involved in hands-on conservation of several natural sites.

Inquiry based environmental education
We will be discussing contribution of experiential scientific learning to environmental education. What are the variables that turn a field course into a memorable experience with real impact on environmental understanding? Does understanding of science help in solving environmental problems?
Contributions: 15 – 30 minutes contributions on research and good practice in the field of inquiry based education, development of critical thinking and scientific skills.
Social dimension: participants will be staying overnight in a former mill established in 18th century, destructed in WWII, ruined by communists and rejuvenated by scouts. Expect non-formal talk at a campfire near places where hunters lived 14 thousands years ago. Visit to popular Punkva Caves or real caving experience are options for Friday morning.
Organizing institution: Kaprálův mlýn, Scout Environmental Education Centre. It is a leading SCENES centre (Scout Centres of Excellence for Nature, Environment and Sustainability). It is located in the Moravian karst with caves, underground rivers and 10 other habitats at its doorsteps. The centre focuses on inquiry based programmes for high-schoolers both in local nature and using its eco-friendly venue packed with ecotechnologies. Both professional staff and international volunteers operate the centre.

Field sessions: a new format for the 11WEEC

The 11th WEEC wants to be a bridge between the theory and the practice. In addition to parallel sessions shaped by researchers and scholars, we offer ten sessions, organized by nine Czech environmental education centers. At the field sessions, Congress participants may spend 1-2 days in urban or outdoor centers by discussing a broad scale of topics defined by the practitioners.
As a participant, you may engage in sharing your experience about environmental education in contemporary zoological gardens,  discuss the challenges of inquiry-based learning programs, get involved in the topic “Folk traditions and traditional crafts in environmental education”, or to the other fascinating topics.
Finally yet importantly, you may enjoy discussions in smaller groups of people of the same interest in non-formal settings and find new partners for your future projects.

4 field sessions will take place in Prague, 6 in the environmental education centers out of Prague, which also offers great opportunity to explore the host country. 5 field sessions include overnight followed by a trip with local environmental educators. Participants thus will have opportunity to explore landscapes, landmarks and tastes of Bohemian Paradise, Moravian karst, Krkonoše mountains, Brno and Bohemian – Moravian highland.

The field sessions are all-inclusive and the price covers transport, catering and the programme on site. Accommodation during 2-day sessions is € 29.

Read more about all the themes and organisers here  and look for your favorite one!

The 11th WEEC will be On-Site and On-Line

For the first time in its history, the World Environmental Education Congress is offering an opportunity to also participate in the online environment. The difficult pandemic situation shifted most of the environmental and sustainability education events to cyberspace in 2020, and while it is reasonable to expect that the situation will improve in the 2021, the on-line alternative seems to have become a new standard.
In light of this, we have decided to offer an on-line option for those who cannot come to Prague.

On-site participation is full participation. Participants who choose on-site participation get a full version of the congress (plenary and parallel sessions, field sessions and field trips). Moreover, they will have full access to all parts of the online platform, so they can access the congress materials a long time before and after the congress dates.
On-site participation supports networking. Most of the congress time is organized in smaller thematic groups to promote meeting and networking with participants with the same interests. If you are interested in meeting new people, in-depth discussion, and starting new cooperation, then the on-site option is better for you.
On-site participation is place-based and experiential. Field sessions and field trips are an important part of the congress. If you want to imagine how to link a place with the practice of environmental and sustainability education, if you want to enjoy informal chatting with people from environmental education centres, to get direct experience, then you should come to Prague.

Both on-site and on-line are safe.
Based on the experts, the pandemic situation should be resolved by the middle of 2021, when the vaccination is supposed to be in wide use throughout the population. We hope that lock-downs and travel restrictions will be a distant memory by the end of this year. Nevertheless, we will adopt strict precautions to make the congress as safe as possible.

On-line participation is more convenient, less expensive, and environmentally-friendly. Despite its clear disadvantages, on-line participation will bring you the meaningful option of participating from your home, with no travel costs and a small discount. While we have adopted a set of measures to minimize the environmental impact of the congress (we will be supplied with organic food from local sources, we will be almost paper-less, and we will offer a CO2 offset), it is clear that not to come always has less environmental impact than to come.
Please, consider your reasons for participation: if you just want a basic picture of the trends in the research and practice of ESE, if you are not pursuing new professional contacts, if you have a limited budget, perhaps the on-line option is better for you.

Notice: If you participate on-site, you will get full access to the on-line platform too. If you participate on-line, you have full access to the on-line platform.

Read here for more information

Find out how sustainable Prague is!

The historic european city that will host the 11th World Environmental Education Congress is in continuous evolution. Prague is “striving to become a greener destination for visitors and a more sustainable city for its residents” (Sustain Europe, Prague: The City of a Hundred Spires).

The Sustainable Development Goals 2020 Index ranks countries around the world based on their performance on the 17 SDGs. In 2020 Czech Republic was at 8th place and Prague is already a green city, easy to walk and with a good public transport system.

The city is definitely committed to sustainability, thanks to its Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. There are some interesting aspects of sustainability in the city: from green spaces, to circular economy, waste management, mobility, food and so on.

Based on the Green Cities Index, Prague is the city with the highest percentage of green space per person. The City has a Tree Planting Action Plan that aims to plant 1 million new trees (beeches, oaks, firs, pine and larches) in the next eight-years in urban and open spaces to improve the microclimate and to prevent soil erosion.

Prague is also trying to make its Airport greener, by working on carbon neutrality. To achieve this goal, the Airport is considering the purchase of 100% green electricity, together with carbon offsetting projects. They even installed 5 beehives in the Airport to biomonitoring air quality.

The City is working on the transition to a circular economy, signing the European Circular Cities Declaration and managing waste production by reducing waste generation. City-wide biowaste collection and a pilot kitchen waste collection scheme are some of the interventions to reduce waste production by 50% by 2030.

For what concerns food resources, Prague aims to count on local farmland and vineyards to feed the city.  As for mobility in the capital, the public transport system is already extensive and cheap to use, but most commuters from suburban areas use private cars. For this reason, Prague has approved a Sustainable Mobility Plan that includes the introduction of electric buses, the extension of tramlines, the implementation of cycling paths and the construction of Park & Ride, Bike & Ride and Kiss & Ride facilities. Prague has also sustainable solutions for around the city, such as electric cruisers for trips along the Vtlava River or e-bikes.

To know more about sustainable planning and solutions in Prague, see Prague Adaptation Strategy here.

To see more about 11th WEEC, visit weec2022.org. We are looking forward to seeing you in Prague!

WEEC2022: Abstract submission is open

The 11th World Environment Education Congress will be held in Prague (Czech Republic) from 14 to 18 March 2022.
The beautiful and historical city in the heart of Europe is ready to host the first edition of the history of WEEC after the Covid’s pandemic.
We are at the beginning of a new world and a new way to imagine, teach and practice environmental education.
Are you ready to be part of it?

Researchers of all disciplines and all people (individuals and organizations, public and private) operating in environmental knowledge and values are invited to participate in the 11th WEEC.
The main theme is Building Bridges in Times of Climate Urgency.

The Congress will help us to build bridges for all: between different approaches to environmental education and education for sustainable development, across international boundaries, between formal, informal, and community education, as well as between researchers and practitioners around the world.

The participants will also have 14 sub-themes to explore: climate, ethics, communities, early childhood, water and so on… environmental education can be declined in in a 360° view.

Presentations can be used to describe and discuss on theoretical positions, researches, educational challenges, methods, best practices and educational tools.

Presentations may have different formats for on-site or online presentation: oral communication, pecha kucha (format for online and on-site presentation), paper, poster, round table, workshop, symposium (formats allowed only for on-site presentation), e-poster (format allowed only for online presentation).

Read here how to submit an abstract

11WEEC Congress 2022: the website is online

The website of the next WEEC congress is now available online here.
The 11th edition of the world congress of environmental education will be held in Prague (Czech republic) from 14 to 18 March 2022. Let’s browsing the pages of the new website!

Main theme: Building Bridges in Times of Climate Urgency
How can environmental and sustainability education contribute to overcoming disjunctions and the binaries that separate people from nature, and support a more sustainable, equitable, and relational way of being in the world? The 11WEEC Congress will help us to build bridges for all: between different approaches to environmental education and education for sustainable development, across international boundaries, between formal, informal, and community education, as well as between researchers and practitioners around the world.

Here you can have an overview of the programme.

And read you can find all information about how submitting an abstract

Have a look of one of the most significant innovations of this edition:the Field Sessions.
Field Sessions are organized by local environmental education centers. They will be held at the centers’ facilities; they will be 1 or 2 days long, some of them outside of Prague (with accommodation in the centers’ facilities). The Field Sessions aim to share experience form communities of practitioners and researchers for promoting their cooperation in possible future projects. Because of this, the Field Sessions are more practice – and experience – oriented, while the insights making a bridge between the theory and practice is highly welcome.

Save the date
1 January 2021 – Opening of abstract submission
31 August 2021 – Early registration deadline
31 August 2021 – Abstracts submission closes
30 November 2021 – Notification of acceptance / rejection
31 December 2021 – Regular registration deadline
31 December 2021 – Presenter registration deadline

We are looking forward to seeing you in Prague!

11WEEC. The WEEC Network at the service of all environmental educators

Dear all,

The 11th World Environmental Education Congress (“Building bridges”), scheduled in Prague (Czech Republic) in October 2021, is postponed to 14-18 March 2022.

Many countries are facing a wave of Covid-19 and are seriously affected. We are all aware of the situation humankind is facing. The pandemic frightens and builds a community of destiny besides the climate community of destiny, and at the same time enhance inequalities and poverty. It at the same time underlines both the need for a healthy nature and a safe environment and redesigns social, political, and economic systems. For environmental education, it means to cross more and more the road of peace, social and environmental justice, and human rights.

These two crises -as we know- are indeed interconnected, even though the first one often holds the spotlight to the prejudice of the second. Therefore, we are obliged to postpone the 11th WEEC, but with the omen of a growing interest in the environment and possible positive signals of change in policies, counting on the increasing centrality of our aims and our issues, more and more critical, and an environmental and sustainability education more and more strategic.

The 11th WEEC will be an excellent opportunity for meeting people and supporting their cooperation. While we will organize most of WEEC in the real world, it will be possible to attend online plenary and thematic sessions and to present online papers or workshops. Still, I hope that most of the participants will be able to come to Prague. At the same time, those who cannot arrive will have a meaningful option to attend at a distance.

So, I invite you to prepare from now your participation in the 11th WEEC in 2022, but at the same time to enhance collaboration networking, commitment.

The WEEC Network, its website, newsletter, social media, relationships are at the service of all environmental practitioners, researchers or teachers, in sum, at the benefit of all environmental educators (formal, non-formal and informal).

Warmest regards

Mario Salomone
WEEC Network Secretary-General