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Conferences, round tables and practical workshops in the Environmental Education Symposium of the City of Buenos Aires

From May 31 to June 2, conferences with international exhibitors, round tables and practical workshops will be held in the City of Buenos Aires with the aim of debating and reflecting with experts on the current climate and environmental scenario and the role of education for sustainability.

It aims to provide a space that allows teachers, educators, researchers  to delve into the debates and current pedagogical challenges in the field of Environmental Education and promote greater knowledge of environmental problems in order to enrich their approach at school.

The Symposium is organized by the Undersecretary of Educational Technology and Sustainability and the General Directorate of Educational Planning , and has the support of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI).

Environmental Education Context in Argentine

Since 2008, the City of Buenos Aires has adopted sustainability as a priority axis of its management. On the educational level, this commitment crystallized in 2010 with the creation of the Green Schools Program of the Ministry of Education, thus initiating an innovative policy on education for sustainability within the formal education system.

This current that puts sustainability in the focus of public policies, is accompanied by a series of laws that accompany the transformation that both the City and the rest of the country need to do in environmental matters. In 2005, the first Law No. 1687 on Environmental Education of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires was enacted , which promotes the incorporation of Environmental Education in the formal, non-formal and informal educational system.

For its part, the Comprehensive Environmental Education Law No. 27,621 for the Implementation of Environmental Education in the Argentine Republic, sanctioned in 2021 , constitutes a milestone in national educational regulations, since it lays the foundations to consolidate environmental education as a state policy. In its Art.1, the law establishes the right to comprehensive environmental education, while in its Art. 2, it urges the development of a National Environmental Education Strategy that reaches all formal and non-formal areas of education.

 Comprehensive Environmental Education Law

With the aim of promoting environmental education and incorporating, in compliance with current legislation, the new paradigms of sustainability in the fields of formal and non-formal education, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MAyDS) and the Ministry of Education (ME), together with the consensus of the provinces through the Federal Council for the Environment (COFEMA) and the Federal Council for Education (CFE), designed the Comprehensive Environmental Education Law .

The initiative allows the implementation of a national public policy on environmental education , whose main instrument is the National Strategy for Comprehensive Environmental Education (ENEAI) .

The ENEAI is the strategic planning instrument and, at the same time, a permanent and concerted national public policy that reaches all informal, non-formal and formal areas of environmental education. It is aimed at all ages, groups and social sectors, in order to territorialize environmental education through actions in the short, medium and long term, through the deployment of jurisdictional strategies that allow to implement and adapt its implementation at the provincial level and of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, through Jurisdictional Strategies for Comprehensive Environmental Education (EJEAIs).

The Earth Prize 2023 competition: $5,000 prize for the three best Mentors

Potrebbe essere un'immagine raffigurante 2 persone e il seguente testo "we're we ooking for mentors ors"

The Earth Foundation is looking for university students passionate about sustainability and entrepreneurship to become MENTORS in The Earth Prize 2023 competition.

Following the successful first edition of The Earth Prize 2022 and a fantastic experience with our Mentors, The Earth Prize 2023 will now recognize not just one but three mentors with The Earth Prize Mentor of the Year award. The three best mentors, as voted by the competition’s Participants, will receive a $5,000 prize each.

The virtual mentoring will take place between September 1st, 2022 and January 31st, 2023 through The Earth Prize online platform. Mentors will contribute to the development of students’ innovative projects by offering them guidance on their projects and answering their questions.

If you know someone who might be interested in sharing their knowledge and making an impact, share this opportunity with them! You can find more information on The Earth Prize Mentors page.

Submission for the Zayed Sustainability Prize 2023 are open!

The Zayed Sustainability Prize, an evolution of the Zayed Future Energy Prize, is the UAE’s pioneering global award in sustainability and a tribute to the legacy of the late founding father of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

Established in 2008, this annual award recognises and rewards the achievements of those who are driving impactful, innovative and inspiring sustainability solutions across five distinct categories: Health, Food, Energy, Water and Global High Schools.

The Zayed Sustainability Prize has officially announced that the 2023 cycle is now open for submissions.  Entries will be accepted until 6 July 2022 through the Prize’s online portal.

For details on the submissions process and eligibility, visit the website or read the press release.

Prague: flying to a more sustainable airport

Prague Airport welcomes WEEC delegates with major improvements in terms of sustainability.
Together with other airports, airlines and aircraft manufacturers, the airport has committed itself to reducing the environmental impact of aviation in the pan-European Destination 2050 initiative and introduced a commitment to reach carbon neutrality on all flights across Europe and beyond by 2050.

Airlines are phasing out older aircraft and replacing them with new, much greener and more environmentally friendly models. In about the next ten years, Prague Airport plans to execute several long-term development and sustainable projects, which include, for example, the expansion of the Terminal 2 building. In the preparatory phase of the terminal capacity increase project, very close coordination with Správa železnic (The Railway Administration) is pursued regarding a train connection to Václav Havel Airport Prague. The goal is to provide a more environmentally-friendly and more convenient way of transport to the airport” Vaclav Rehor, Chairman of the Prague Airport Board of Directors, said.

Terminal capacities will also be expanded in a sustainable way. The intention is to minimise the overall impact of the construction on the environment, for example by using recycled materials, retaining and subsequently using rainwater, etc. Another goal is to ensure a quality indoor and outdoor environment for users, reduce the use of non-renewable natural energy sources for the implementation and operation of the building and, in terms of energy concept, strive for the building maximum energy self-sufficiency. “During the next development stages of the building design, we will reduce the energy, water and material consumption requirements. Wherever possible, we will look to generate these sources locally. Similarly, we will promote the use, for example, of renewable solar energy, heat pumps and other sources with minimal environmental impact,” Soňa Hykyšová, Prague Airport Environmental Protection Director, added.

Prague Airport also supports environmental protection projects in the surrounding municipalities and city districts. Since 2004, over 380 million crowns were invested in environmental projects under the “Living in Harmony” grant programme.

Examples of Prague Airport “Green” Achievements:
-Long-term reduction of CO2 emissions
– Since 2019, 100% green electricity.
– Biomonitoring (using bees, fruit and crop). Honey produced by airport bees has an excellent quality. It has won the Gold Medal in the Czech Honey contest for the seventh time in a row.
– Taking care of over 3,000 mature trees and shrubs and of about 580 hectares of grassed areas. In terms of species, there are 42 species of woody plants.
– Since 2012, replacing conventional light sources with LED lights. The 2020 electricity cost savings exceeded seven million Czech crowns.
– Limiting the use of disposable plastics.

Find out how sustainable Prague is!

The historic european city that will host the 11th World Environmental Education Congress is in continuous evolution. Prague is “striving to become a greener destination for visitors and a more sustainable city for its residents” (Sustain Europe, Prague: The City of a Hundred Spires).

The Sustainable Development Goals 2020 Index ranks countries around the world based on their performance on the 17 SDGs. In 2020 Czech Republic was at 8th place and Prague is already a green city, easy to walk and with a good public transport system.

The city is definitely committed to sustainability, thanks to its Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. There are some interesting aspects of sustainability in the city: from green spaces, to circular economy, waste management, mobility, food and so on.

Based on the Green Cities Index, Prague is the city with the highest percentage of green space per person. The City has a Tree Planting Action Plan that aims to plant 1 million new trees (beeches, oaks, firs, pine and larches) in the next eight-years in urban and open spaces to improve the microclimate and to prevent soil erosion.

Prague is also trying to make its Airport greener, by working on carbon neutrality. To achieve this goal, the Airport is considering the purchase of 100% green electricity, together with carbon offsetting projects. They even installed 5 beehives in the Airport to biomonitoring air quality.

The City is working on the transition to a circular economy, signing the European Circular Cities Declaration and managing waste production by reducing waste generation. City-wide biowaste collection and a pilot kitchen waste collection scheme are some of the interventions to reduce waste production by 50% by 2030.

For what concerns food resources, Prague aims to count on local farmland and vineyards to feed the city.  As for mobility in the capital, the public transport system is already extensive and cheap to use, but most commuters from suburban areas use private cars. For this reason, Prague has approved a Sustainable Mobility Plan that includes the introduction of electric buses, the extension of tramlines, the implementation of cycling paths and the construction of Park & Ride, Bike & Ride and Kiss & Ride facilities. Prague has also sustainable solutions for around the city, such as electric cruisers for trips along the Vtlava River or e-bikes.

To know more about sustainable planning and solutions in Prague, see Prague Adaptation Strategy here.

To see more about 11th WEEC, visit weec2022.org. We are looking forward to seeing you in Prague!

Journalism Update Course for Sustainability, 100% online

The Journalism Update Course for Sustainability is organised by CapacitaRSE – a pioneering center for teaching sustainability in Latin America – with the experience of 30 journalists or communicators (bloggers, podcasters or others) active in the field in the Spanish-speaking world.
Participating journalists will be able to review 100% online updated content on the Sustainable Development Goals and the Circular Economy and learn to interpret sustainability instruments such as reports and stock indexes, hand in hand with specialized teachers, between April 6 and 17 2020.

«Policies such as the Sustainable Development Goals govern the current response of the United Nations System to global causes such as the COVID-19 pandemic. We conceived this course as an opportunity to promote sustainable transformation and collective consciousness, a process in which journalists are key agents» says Estefanía Salazar, coordinator of the course.
The course will provide digital signature certification issued by CapacitaRSE in the State of Florida (USA) where it has its regional headquarters.

Form of participation:  4 modules within Google Classroom with two virtual question and answer sessions and delivery of a final report

Registration form and cost: Those interested can apply until April 5, 2020 at this link

Course dates: April 6 to April 17, 2020 (2 weeks)

For more information: Estefanía Salazar – e.salazar@clasesderse.com.ar
Twitter: @CapacitaRSE // Instagram: @cursosderse

Sustainability master’s programs at RISD

The Rhode Island School of Design is launching two new Masters Programs in 2018 in the fields of Global Arts and Cultures and Nature–Culture–Sustainability Studies. Emphasizing theoretical grounding, deep inquiry and self-directed research, these programs equip graduates to become hybrid thinkers who will bring critica

Students in RISD’s Nature–Culture–Sustainability Studies MA program develop scholarly expertise in the rapidly evolving field of interdisciplinary environmental studies. Working closely with faculty experts in the environmental humanities and social sciences, they embark on self-directed pathways of research in focus areas such as Anthropocene studies, climate change cultures, green urbanisms and sustainable design futures.

The graduate program on Nature-Culture-Sustainability Studies will combine political ecology and environmental social and political theory with engagements Anthropocene studies, eco-design, socio-technical transitions, climate change cultures and beyond. Hence it may be of interest to your undergraduate students who are looking for a more interdisciplinary environmental studies context for graduate work that can engage more fully with the politics of culture, art and design.

For information on each individual Masters program can be found here.



Green Room: a message from the Secretary-General


It was followed by the launch of a platform on performance assessment tools, bringing together a number of tool providers to help HEIs find a way to start performance assessments. The platform assisted in the implementation of HESI, which was launched by an umbrella of United Nations partner organizations during Rio+20.
A panel discussion on Innovations in Higher Education for Sustainability: Case Studies and Assessments, bringing together HEI representatives from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and North America has followed the launch of the Platform.
The panel was focused on case studies highlighting innovative tools and methodologies on curricula, campus operations, and university leadership/management, as well as on the utility of PSPE.
Here the message of the WEEC Secretary General Mario Salomone.